Insider dealing schemes. or how to discreetly funnel a lot of dough (and how to detect this hidden infiltration) - page 17

Alas, it is not ignorance itself that is frustrating, but unwillingness to know and use it correctly. alas, these "ignorance" and "unwillingness" primarily have a negative effect on the "ignorant" and "unwilling" themselves... Parallels can be drawn both long and short, but there is no dignity in either "ignorance" or "reluctance".

A philosophising Japanese cartoon character is strong))) spare me. already the 2nd page of poo is coming to an end.

And an example of a qualitative assessment is possible, because it is already a sporting excitement to get into what it is all about.

And about the insider - a certain Valera, must know how to implement it discreetly))). He does it spontaneously. After all, many on the forum, it is unclear who writes it, Trololo, or some Valera (like, what caused the trading activity - the insider, or someone's current need). Valera's got a way of hiding... :), so to find Valera in the statistics, by indirect signs, without his passport (count it without his algorithms), is no easy task. And the sketch (speculation to find) - you can and some, hypothetical, say, Sergei find - here's an externally similar to Valera (also two eyes, two ears, a nose), but does not behave like him. :)

And I did not understand the hoo-hoo. So... Same style, same grammar, same necroposting...

Here's another "Valera":

It is time to stop it. if you let them, you can sit on top and dangle your legs with Valera. smoke bamboo, gentlemen, Valerophobes)) along with Pavlik and Mavrodi, the junkie. preferably not here....
No shit, bro.
But I told you not to spit in the well, and you didn't get it.
No shit, bro.
But I warned you not to spit in the well, and you don't get it.

What well again, watch less videos about junkie Pavlik, I don't analyze the mauvais schedule, so it's not your topic.
Is it to make sense to you, or just to communicate? I'm both for the former and the latter. Why not talk. If there's someone to talk to.

))))))))) are all ganibals. If they don't eat me, they'll fuck me. )))) No, I'll just take it one step at a time.

I don't dare interrupt any more.

I wonder which Mavraux we're talking about, is he the one who was talking about the Fx Euroclub insider?
No shit, bro.
But I told you not to spit in the well, and you didn't get it.
Where's the style from, bro? Brighton? )
I wonder which Mavraux we're talking about, is he the one who was talking about the Fx Euroclub insider?