Insider dealing schemes. or how to discreetly funnel a lot of dough (and how to detect this hidden infiltration) - page 11


Insider was, is and will be. How does it show up on the dynamics of certain processes, low-liquidity and exotics? In the same way as non-insider currency fluctuations. If the pound fell 5 seconds before the official news release as a result of the insider, for example, what difference does it make to "low liquidity and exotics in particular, on the dynamics of some processes"? Well, and they will either react earlier or on time
for the rest I wrote above (first pages). inside is obviously not that dumb idea of 5 second lead, how do you do it in 5 seconds, it is a mechanism of changing the character of the move. if there were only majors in the market, then the inside would not be recognizable. but there are also exotics.

))) Some people here find patterns in the market and they all think they are gurus

A guru is not a guru. But some prospectors find gold, and you can't find it foolishly without experience in normal quantities to recoup at least the costs. In other words, a prospector knows where to look and how to find it, rather than trying to search the area with a mine detector. By the way, prospectors do not use metal detectors, because the thing is extremely inconvenient, it weighs a lot and eats a lot of electricity, and is more suitable for beach searches, where you can dig up a handful of trifles in an evening, if you do not count the trash found.

It's the same with patterns in the market. You have to know where to look for them and how to find them. Otherwise, you will spend your entire life poking from side to side, flooding the forums and fail to detect anything. Therefore, it is better to use proven methods and improve them slowly, instead of stepping on the same rake that many have already gone through and found nothing but bumps.


A guru is not a guru. But some prospectors find gold, and you can't fool around to find it in normal quantities without experience to at least recoup the costs. In other words, the prospector knows where to look and how to look, rather than trying to search the neighbourhood with a mine detector. By the way, prospectors do not use metal detectors, because the thing is extremely inconvenient, it weighs a lot and eats a lot of electricity, and is better suited for beach searches, where you can dig up a handful of trifles in an evening, if you do not count the trash found.

It's the same with patterns in the market. You have to know where to look for them and how to find them. Otherwise, you will spend your entire life poking from side to side, flooding the forums and fail to detect anything. Therefore, it is better to use proven methods and improve them little by little, instead of stepping on the same rake that many have already gone through.

I think I have said goodbye to you.

I think I have said goodbye to you. If not, goodbye. Learn how to talk to people first. You can practice on your Valera.
Who did you leave us for? Come back, we will forgive you. You will not stay in Room 6 for long anyway, and you will start spouting insider harassment on the forum again.
Who did you leave us for? Come back, we will forgive you everything. You won't be in Ward 6 for long anyway, and you'll start ranting on the forum about the insider's machinations again.

Good for you! That was a joke.

Take candy from the shelf .


Good for you! You made a joke.

At least he finally figured it out. He was always with a serious face on his face, like a raving lunatic, trying to find an insider's clue.

All stupid things are done with a serious expression on your face (c) "Baron Munchausen".


I apologise for being off-topic again. Jos, I gave you the link in private. I can give you his Skype if you want. I think it is necessary to learn from professionals. Talk to them personally and live. My own way is a good way, but too long and difficult. That's why I recommend everyone to communicate with former "makers", especially with such experience. But, it's up to you, of course, think about it.

Otherwise I wrote above (first pages). The inside is obviously not a stupid 5 second lead, how do you make volumes in 5 seconds? It's a mechanism of change in the pattern. but there are also exotics.

Mine didn't understand - what is a "complex, multi-currency inside"? There is a colleague on the forum who also tried to develop this idea in some thread, but he couldn't explain it either.

How can an insider be "a mechanism for changing the nature of movement"?

I twisted the actual fact of insider trading in the forex market to say 5 seconds. Although I think there were tens of seconds there.



I think you have to learn from professionals. Talk to them in person and in person.

The problem is that professionals don't think so.

I apologise for being off-topic again. Yoss, I gave you the link in private. I can give you his Skype if you want. I believe that one should learn from professionals. Talk to them personally and live. My own way is a good way, but too long and difficult. That's why I recommend everyone to communicate with former "makers", especially with such experience. But, it's up to you, of course, think about it.

I'm sorry for the time and energy and nerves to be disappointed after spending time on a brainwashing fake (not about you and the link, but in general).

Thanks, but I do not know the man's intentions, slowly but surely I will come to what I wanted, the actual path you can find if interesting on the forum, which is scattered in different threads. the result yourself can read.

As for the man, I think he will help me or I will learn something new, thank you.