[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 351


And also a warm (red with a drop from purple) top and such a signal on VSA )))) Chances for growth are good ))))

Good morning, everyone. Who can explain what is going on? Why are we growing?
Good morning, everyone. Who can explain what is going on? Why are we going up?

1.31 not taken yesterday in principle did not reach only 26 points (260) it is normal probably

Apparently the lower limit of the channel could not be breached


I've given up on it too )))) Looked it up, the bear zero is present ))))
show me what a bear zero is and what it means

think bullish long term from the bottom

All gathered up, it's a good thing)))
Good morning, everyone. Who can explain what's going on? why are we going up?
Pri. a small correction then 2950-29 all gone.

About bears and elks

A man walks through the woods. Daty. Suddenly a moose runs towards him and knocks the man to the ground.
Just to get up - the bear runs after the moose, knocks the man down again and without even noticing
and runs on. The angry man rises and sees a hare running towards him. The man
starts smiling maliciously. . . In a second, he's on the ground, and the hare runs away.
And then a voice comes from the sky:
- Man, a man! You need to get off the merry-go-round.

Profits to all.

All gathered up, it's a good thing)))
No, not all. I've got mine and I'm watching for now.