Spectrum derivative (or spectrum acceleration) - page 30


But assuming that there are economic cycles, it does.

I mean that the forces influencing financial quotes are not of natural origin - they depend on human will. Of course, financial quotes are also influenced by random processes.

An example is a modulated radio signal. There is a harmonic carrier of a radio signal and there is a modulation (manipulation) function that affects the amplitude, frequency or phase of the carrier. The carrier itself exists because of the inter-transformation of electrical and magnetic energies. This process exists independently of human consciousness. And the modulation function is shaped by human consciousness.

So I do not see the sense in applying the principle of superposition of harmonic oscillations to economic cycles. The meaning of frequency is not clear.


in practice it is

= fractals...

http://314159.ru/kuligin/kuligin1.htm Radio pulse spectrum analysis using strobing (this is so, in parallel, interesting to read)

http://www.physbook.ru/index.php/Kvant._Стробоскопический_эффект (which is what I wrote about earlier)

but if these we have say a constant number of shots where each position of ball constantly changes from shot to shot according to its own law (dynamically fluctuates).


If we have, say, a constant number of shots where each position of the ball changes constantly from shot to shot according to its own law (dynamically fluctuates).

in any case, you will have to choose 1 to rely on for further use (forecast or other) ... taking into account that snapshots will most likely be made in lag window - similarity with fractals will be obvious...

If we compare several images, we may separate patterns from them... but its practical use is very questionable... in reality it would most probably differ little from simple index adjustment (optimization)...

It's not about realities, I just asked how to calculate (averaging is not appropriate) the same acceleration, which is easily calculated in the first picture, and how to calculate it if these positions fluctuate.