Spectrum derivative (or spectrum acceleration) - page 24


You have two choices - "radio receiver" or "rectifier with inverter". "There is no way you can "solder" a radio receiver. As soon as I start giving my "insight", I'm immediately dismissed. That's your business.

Decide for yourself first, whether you want to state it, or whether it's just an attempt to be leashed and led like an animal.

I'm telling you, a lot of people here are trying to make a simple point in an attempt to show off their intellect.

They are all complexes, I think, Freud again...... let's be tolerant to them, they still have some, but they are running out.


You have two options - "radio receiver" or "rectifier and inverter". There is no way you can "solder" a "radio receiver". As soon as I start to give an "insight", I get chucked out. That's your business.

A rectifier with an inverter will distort the original signal to a predetermined level known to us with predetermined characteristics. You need to listen to the radio, not the empty beeping in the speaker.

Sinusoidal current

Sinusoidal current, an alternating current which is a sinusoidal time function of the form: i = Im sin (wt + j), where i is the instantaneous value of the current, Im is its amplitude, w is the angular frequency, j is the initial phase. As a sinusoidal function has a similar derivative, it can be used in all parts of a linear circuit. (see Linear Systems), the voltages, currents and induced electromagnetic forces are sinusoidal. The desirability of applying S. t. in engineering is due to the simplification of electrical devices and circuits (as well as their calculations).

It's all good. Just one nuance. What does a sinusoidal current have to do with financial markets?
Trololo: literally the same as leonidas to conscience. either conscience needs to be silenced or leonidas.

You have inadequate associations. Have you tried seeing a psychiatrist? ))))

Decide for yourself first whether you want to present it,

I don't want to, and here's why. I cannot explain in two or three words how to turn a sine wave with "variable" parameters into a sine wave with "constant" parameters. That's about as much as I can say in one paragraph about the story /Boris Godunov/. I can't do that. Even the late Alexander Sergeyevich could not :) And Dmitri Sergeyevich even less so.

I just gave you an idea. "You can finish it on your own. Maybe others will join in. If it is implemented in technology, why can't it be done in stock trading.


You have two options - "radio receiver" or "rectifier with inverter". There is no way you can "solder" a "radio receiver". As soon as I start stating "understanding", I am immediately driven away. That's your business.

Valera has already dispersed everyone who can help him. Alexei is the only one left. All in the style of Valera. You want to talk to yourself about nothing :-))

It doesn't help to be chewed up. It's good to get it right when you get it yourself.


I don't want to, and here's why. I cannot explain in two or three words how to turn a sine wave with "variable" parameters into a sine wave with "constant" parameters. That's about as much as I can say in one paragraph about the story /Boris Godunov/. I can't do that. Even the late Alexander Sergeyevich could not :) And Dmitri Sergeyevich even less so.

I just gave you an idea. "You can take care of it yourself. Maybe others will join in. If it has been implemented in technology, why can't it be done in stock trading?

I have been saying the same thing all along this thread.

No offence, but look at those above. You can't be distrustful. They're full of myths about some Valera and are only shitting all over the place.

i have nowhere to put my ideas, it is hard for me to figure out an implementation mechanism..........


Given the combinatorial processes occurring in the cerebral region of your body, incorporating languages agglutinates thanks to wave sonority theory, discrediting transcendental hyper-hyponymic connections and heterochronic physiological processes assimilating thanks to the synchronicity of the accomodal stage of heterosexual relations.

In view of the above, in terms of trivial erudition and in view of the absorbent above, we could arrive at a general confidentially important consensus, appealing, egalitarian prerogative, however, in terms of social dialectic, I cannot dispute any differential individual whose abbreviated linguistics gnoseologically deduces immanent consortia, which in turn presupposes stagnant tolerant egalitarianism.


Given the combinatorial processes occurring in the cerebral region of your body, incorporating languages agglutinates thanks to wave sonority theory, discrediting transcendental hyper-hyponymic connections and heterochronic physiological processes assimilating thanks to the synchronicity of the accommodative stage of heterosocial relations.

In view of the above, in terms of trivial erudition and in view of the absorbent above, we could arrive at a general confidentially important consensus, appealing, egalitarian prerogative, however, in terms of social dialectic, I cannot dispute any differential individual whose abbreviated linguistics gnoseologically deduces immanent consortia, which in turn presupposes stagnant tolerant egalitarianism.

sorry, granny, even you're out of candy
Trololo: Sorry, even you are out of candy.
In terms of trivial erudition, not every sane individual is capable of loyally ignoring the facts of paradoxical emotion, as science at this stage of development claims.