Spectrum derivative (or spectrum acceleration) - page 23


Yes, it doesn't give in... and it doesn't like to be spread out on the spectrum for some unknown reason...)

Although ... I myself will soon be building a TS based on spectrum decomposition on the derivatives of makdi. But I already know clearly what for... but not at all for "predicting" resonance points.

I'm out of candy on the shelf, Leo and Jura are all out of candy, so I'll just say well done.

I am not saying that I am going to get a miracle from one series, but that is the topic of the next thread, for now we just need to deal with one series.

By the way, i'm 100% sure that even from a single row you can get a miracle..... and multicurrency...so, for diversification...
By the way, I'm 100% sure that even from a single row you can get a miracle..... and a multi-currency...so, for diversification...

so use it, you already have wings, so the miracle is not new to you.

I have other thoughts on the whole thing, both ways can be done.


Well, use it, you already have wings, so the miracle is not new to you.

I have other thoughts on the whole thing, I can go either way.

Yes, thank you) I think I'll finish in a couple of months and show you the results. in the meantime a study break......

yeah,uh... - it's plasticine - you can do it either way. Do you have any concrete results of testing your ideas yet?


Yes, thank you) I think I'll finish in a couple of months and show you the results. while I'm on a study break......

Yeah, well... - it's plasticine - you can mould it either way. Do you already have any concrete results from testing your ideas?

what makes you think they are similar to yours ? in that case what do the results tell you ?


Well, then there's no point in trying to decompose it into a Fourier series. The market won't lend itself to it anyway.

Why brag about quoting from articles and posts if you understand nothing about it and don't believe in mathematics' ability to describe the market?

I'm not trying to decompose it into a Fourier series. I asked for a more lucid explanation, so I tried to explain it using a Fourier decomposition mechanism. I told you that the Fourier mechanism is not applicable to pure fudge.

What makes you think they (ideas) are similar to yours? and in that case, what can the results tell you?

The calculations, most likely, but the results are a shame, there is no tester in Excel.

Yes ... I read the thread now ... I have very different ideas... And I always enjoy good and beautiful results... not necessarily my own. I've seen a lot of the villagers' charts... I'd like something new... By the way, you can test in Excel. It has a built-in programming language. Visual Basic for Applications. If you know it, it won't be a problem to make a couple of nested loops on quotation history.
Sinusoidal current

A sinusoidal current with variable amplitude and variable frequency. How do you turn it into a sinusoidal current (sawtooth or similar, whatever) with constant amplitude and [or] constant frequency? What should be used to do this?


A sinusoidal current with variable amplitude and variable frequency. How do I turn it into a sinusoidal current (sawtooth or similar, whatever) with constant amplitude and [or] constant frequency? What should be used to do this?

Let's not ah, you don't need it and you don't want to talk.
Let's not, ah, you don't need it and you don't want to talk.

You have two choices - "radio receiver" or "rectifier with inverter". "There's no way you can "solder" a radio receiver. As soon as I start giving my "insight", I get chucked out. That's your business.