[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 10: December 2011) - page 412

What do you mean? There's a curious girl here ... You could teach me a thing or two.) I'm still a year into Fore... I'll look here... look there... apply something.... i practically have no use for handicaps, just to buy some ice cream for kids and even go ahead.... )))
Kazakhstan is a long way from Moldova... If I were near you I would teach you...
Kazakhstan is far from Moldova ... If it were near you I would teach you.

The Internet erases distances ))). When she earns her first million, she will understand who she really is..... . Maybe she will also buy Baikonur ))))
So help me out, read something or advise me.
So help me out, read something or advise me.
.....binary wipers ..... only, you need to understand how they behave and why they go that way and not the other way.
Good day to all. Is there a connection between audi and gold?

Bible.... ))) What advice can I give you? Construction college and half a life of wandering around construction sites... I just remembered - SOPROMAT......))) I'm learning from your books myself... but I don't have much time to think it through...

wipers..... banal wipers ..... just need to understand how they behave and why they go that way and not the other way.

+1.... trends... and similar nonsense ..... + A look at the foundation through the eyes of the incomparable Margaret .....
Good day to all. Is there any relation between the AUD and gold?
Yes ... the Aussie is a commodity currency and in many ways its movement correlates with gold, just like the Canadian with oil
Except that the correlation has been a bit off lately.
So help out, read some advice or ts.
The main thing is not to read the MT5 forum... A guy there just killed me with his sayings, saying that there is a solid foundation under 1.30XX and there are rotted trees on it that can be easily punctured.... but the most interesting thing is that he made fools of all those who see SOUTH (by spitting in their faces), constantly emphasizing how only he sees the movement well and everyone else is a LOSER...and this is not one such, there on MT5, a "talented" trader, including moderators... So I wouldn't advise reading that forum for novice traders as a study guide.