[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 10: December 2011) - page 391

But the triangle is quietly shrinking....

What good is a 20pp range?
And the triangle will slowly discharge to the side today and down tomorrow
How the euro is going, and you're talking about bonds:)
News works more in the stock market. It's easier there. The crowd is thrown by the news clearly. But currencies are a bit more complicated. It's all about the tail.
Here's a bump on the level, open down and you'll have 10 pips.
Oh, how interesting... has it started??? It looks like a triangle is coming through.

And what is the use if the range is 20pp?

It can shoot like that. I even know when: when no one is expecting it.

Price is acting kind of nervous today. It's jerking, yesterday it was much smoother.

I bought in shortly at 1.3060. Put in a second-hand one just in case.
Anything about firing is a no-brainer. Things are pretty dull on the M5. It's three hours down now. "In jerks."
It seems to me that the direction of travel has already been chosen and then there is only the possibility of acceleration or deceleration depending on other factors