[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 10: December 2011) - page 274

  • Market participants are worried about increased instability in North Korea following the death of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il. The little-known younger son of the late Kim Jong-un has been announced as the successor, which could lead to friction in the country. Sanctuary currencies rose in value on this news.
  • ECB President Mario Draghi said in an interview with the Financial Times that the central bank does not intend to increase its purchases of European debt in order to contain the debt crisis.
  • The Bank of England has published its quarterly bulletin:

- Household disposable income continues to fall due to austerity measures;

- Financial markets worsened due to the eurozone crisis;

- Leading central bank economist Spencer Dale noted that the economic recovery "is faring worse than expected and there are signs of a slowdown in the last few months".


Nice consolidation )))) Hope everyone managed to sell before the release of the IMPORTANT NEWS on the advice of the guru? )))

I don't have the same quotes as before....
I've decided to buy some)))
Dead market neither here nor there )))))))))) NOT EVEN A STOP HAS BEEN EATEN.
Waiting for the ministerial speech...If there is an agreement on €200bn, then up, if not, then down...
So far the mood is bullish ))))
When will it be known what the ministers have decided?

And sold again )))




Fucking EVRA!!!

I'm really sick of it...

I'm going to bed...

Tomorrow it'll probably be dumb again...

Waiting for ministers to speak...If there is an agreement to provide 200 billion euros, then up, if not, then down...

Margaret, chase that Romanian away, he can't tell you anything good...))