[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 10: December 2011) - page 125

It's time, isn't it?

They have been trying to come up with a good story for a long time ))))

The Europeans do not benefit from a big drop in the euro.

So on the contrary they will drag it out to the bitter end. :)


The Europeans do not benefit from a big drop in the euro.

So on the contrary they will drag it out to the bitter end. :)

not strong is how much do you think it is?
It's time, isn't it?

:) Why not?

0.5 variance just broke through for the second time. It might go down to 0.7 and that's about 3280 :)


They have been trying to come up with a good story for a long time )))
They do not need to make it up, they are doing fine... I have already written before that if they tell the truth that they are doing well, the euro will go way up, and the eurozone does not need that or it will lead to intervention. If it were that bad, they would have been at 1.000 a long time ago.

:) Why not?

The variance of 0.5 has just been broken for the second time. It could go down to 0.7, which is about 3280 :)

Well, I can take that kind of slippage, I'm going to start buying with a staircase just in case)

what can they come up with that would move the euro up?

They do not need to make it up, they are doing well... I have already written before that if they tell the truth that they are doing well, the euro will go way up, which the Eurozone does not need, otherwise it will lead to intervention.

What about Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal? I do believe that Germany and France are doing well! But they are not pulling the entire eu together.

sorry, the picture doesn't display ( >

Well, I can handle a slump like that, so I'll just start buying with a ladder, just in case)

Actually, everything's looking down.

So I'm not advising you anything.

32845 is looking good. If you will buy it, I'll put it a bit higher. :)

So DECIDE at your own risk.

Signs up I personally do not see, at all.


So far, that I do not see. :)