[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 10: December 2011) - page 119



If so, I will have time to close the bai and it would be necessary to reach at least 1.35

If so, I have time to close the bai and I need to go at least to 1.35

If this level is broken through, then 1.37 is a good time to sit

I, for one, didn't think they would reduce it to 0.75. It's just not realistic right now. I thought they would. Because there's no point in lowering it now. :)

A major American investor said that he was personally buying the Euro. When asked why, he said that every few months the Eurozone comes up with something. He said that every few months they come up with something in the Eurozone that causes a strong rise and it's about time for that.

Margarita, no one is buying the eurow anymore. :) Everyone is thinking how and when to sell it. So am I. :)
has the first sell deal gone or is it early?
What's your hurry? I'm really not trading today. But what's the rush?
You were afraid that all three orders have closed on the trailing bar, now I will buy more ))))) will rise the yew
Margarita, no one is buying the eurow anymore. :) Everyone is thinking how and when to sell it. So am I. :)
At 1,447, sell it, you can't go wrong.
has the first sell deal gone or is it early?

You see, right now it's 50/50 - either it will go up considerably or it will go down. But the end of the year is near, so it may not fail.

But it could fly away before February.

Do you have to wait till March? :)