[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 10: December 2011) - page 45

24 points in the morning on the upswing and calmed down, no thoughts, it's as sluggish as always on Mondays, a day off should be arranged)))
I made 24 points on the way up in the morning and calmed down, no thoughts, everything was sluggish as always on Mondays, I need a day off)))

I don't see a trend, that's why it's sluggish.

What are your indicators?
You have to be more specific...

It's a pain in the ass to race up and down:

24 points in the morning on the upswing and calmed down, no thoughts, it's as sluggish as always on Mondays, a day off should be arranged)))

I propose to share the losses in this thread as well. The newcomers may get stressed, shaken up and have an inferiority complex. Everyone earns here except for them, unlucky ones =)


Предлагаю в этой ветке рассказывать и про убытки тоже. А то у новичков стресс, трясучка и комплекс неполноценности. Тут все зарабатывают, кроме них, несчастных =)

Get on with it!

I suggest that we talk about losses in this thread too. Because newcomers get stressed, shaky and have an inferiority complex. All earn money here, except for them, poor guys =)

Better show))).


I'm sick of racing up and down:

Decided not to waste the sell limit waiting. (sort of like a triangle is going to happen)

I think the market is waiting for 19:00msk?
Eura can be bought ))))