Neuro-forecasting of financial series (based on one article) - page 2

Not funny. Pruf on page 3.

Do you seriously think it is possible to predict daily closing prices with 94% accuracy?

Do you seriously think it is possible to predict daily closing prices with 94% accuracy?
It can, only the Freemasons won't allow it.

On half of the trend we teach, on the other half we predict. In this article there is a long trend section in all pictures. It was not the price that was predicted, but the direction (either yes or no). Towards the end of the trend we can see price spikes and no forecast on those spikes. Two MAs will show the same results on the data section shown in the article.

Do you seriously think it's possible to forecast daily closing prices with 94% accuracy?

No. That's not what I mean. I'm just saying that the figure is, by and large, trustworthy. That is, the dog is buried a little deeper than the surface.

We just need to figure out why the accuracy is so abnormally high, although it's more or less clear here -- quotes skew.

And figure out why there is such an increase after the shamanism.

By the way, on one of the charts the forecast is permanently elevated above the quotient.


Excuse me, what's a "pruf"? :)

Confirmation in the person of the professor, who will kick back nicely if there are obvious errors in the article.

No. That's not what I mean. I'm just saying that by and large the figure can be trusted. I mean, it's a little deeper than the surface.

We just need to figure out why the accuracy is so abnormally high, although it's more or less clear here - quotes skew.

And we need to figure out why there is such an increase after the shamanism.

I am not quite sure what the quotes skew is. Is it an uptrend?

But - before the "shamanism" with fuzzy logic on the same data he got 57% - i.e. not an outstanding achievement, which is what you usually get. And then on the same data he took the system to abnormal accuracy. This is really where the dog is buried.


I'm not quite sure what a skewed kotir is. An uptrend?


I wonder how he would have predicted the current spurt :)

I'm going to go mock the villagers :)))


What does a Master of Science degree mean? If it corresponds to the level of our diploma, then the work is of no interest at all. At diploma level, the student is simply demonstrating skills in the application of methods.


What does a Master of Science degree mean?

Graduate/postgraduate students may apply for a master's degree:

Master of Science, abbreviated to M.S.

To obtain this degree, a student must attend lectures and participate in research for a year or two, followed by a series of further examinations and usually a dissertation thesis.

Kind of like a PhD.
Итак, после 4 лет обучения студенту присуждается степень бакалавра (Bachelor). Например, бакалавр гуманитарных наук — Bachelor of Arts, сокр. A.B. После 6 лет – степень магистра (Master). Например, магистр гуманитарных наук – Master of Arts, сокр. M.A.; магистр естественных наук – Master of Science. Русский кандидат наук равен европейскому доктору (Doctor).
This work is not on the level of our PhD. A bit cooler than a diploma, but far from a PhD.