How to get the maximum and minimum price from a vertical line,

Hello everyone!
For an indicator that I am doing, I need the mql4 comman or code to obtain the maximum and minimum price from a vertical line, I know how to do it from the window but not from a vertical line, can someone help me. attached code so far?.
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
  //--- We look for the initial data

   int bars=(int)ChartGetInteger(0,CHART_VISIBLE_BARS);
   //int velas = WindowFirstVisibleBar(); 
   int velas = bars;
   datetime time = iTime(0,0,velas - 5);
//--- We create vertical line of initial reference     
   //int bar = WindowFirstVisibleBar();    
   //int bar = (int)ChartGetInteger(0,CHART_VISIBLE_BARS);
   datetime timeVLRef = iTime(0,0,ObjectFind("VLRef"));
   int bar = (int)iBarShift(0,0,timeVLRef);   
   int PMN1  = iLowest( NULL, 0, MODE_LOW, bar - 1, 1 );
   int PMX1 = iHighest( NULL, 0, MODE_HIGH, bar - 1, 1 ); 

   CreateFMY(bar,PMN1,PMX1);                             // We create Major Fractal
//| Create the vertical line                                         |
void VLineCreate(datetime time,int bars,int velas)         
   // We create a Vertical Line of reference
      ObjectSet("VLRef", OBJPROP_COLOR, VLineaRef );
      ObjectSet("VLRef", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 4 );
      ObjectSet("VLRef", OBJPROP_SELECTED, true );
      ObjectSet("VLRef", OBJPROP_SELECTABLE, true );
//| Create Fractal Mayor FMY                                         |
void CreateFMY(int bar,int PMN1,int PMX1)
   // We create Major Fractal
   ObjectCreate("FMY", OBJ_TREND,0, Time[PMX1], High[PMX1], Time[PMN1], Low[PMN1] );
      ObjectSetInteger(0,"FMY", OBJPROP_COLOR, ClrFMY );
      ObjectSetInteger(0,"FMY", OBJPROP_WIDTH, GrLFMY );
      ObjectSet("FMY", OBJPROP_SELECTED, false );
      ObjectSet("FMY", OBJPROP_SELECTABLE, true );
      ObjectSet("FMY", OBJPROP_RAY, false );  
Documentation on MQL5: Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Indicator Constants / Price Constants
Documentation on MQL5: Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Indicator Constants / Price Constants
Price Constants - Indicator Constants - Constants, Enumerations and Structures - MQL5 Reference - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5
Manuel de los Heros Soler: For an indicator that I am doing, I need the mql4 comman or code to obtain the maximum and minimum price from a vertical line, I know how to do it from the window but not from a vertical line, can someone help me. attached code so far?.

I told you to wait for the moderator to move your topic. Now you are double posting which is against forum rules. I also gave you an answer there.

Hello Fernando!
              I think you misunderstand my query, I don't need the value of a vertical line, what I need is how to get the High[ ] of a bar or Low[ ] of a bar from an object or Vline
Fernando Carreiro #:

I told you to wait for the moderator to move your topic. Now you are double posting which is against forum rules. I also gave you an answer there.

Hello Fernando!
              It's deleted.
All the best
Manuel de los Heros Soler # I don't need the value of a vertical line, what I need is how to get the High[ ] of a bar or Low[ ] of a bar from an object or Vline
  1. There is no value of a VLine, only the time.
  2. Get the time. Get the bar index of that time. Get the High or Low of that index. What's the problem?
Manuel de los Heros Soler #: Hello Fernando! It's deleted. All the best

No it's not deleted. You only made it worse and made a mess of it of it all.

And you also ignored my answer, but that is no longer my concern.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies


Fernando Carreiro, 2022.04.27 19:02

Don't put such functionality in the OnInit() event handler. During the OnInit() event, data has still not settled. In fact, it may not even exist yet.

Only collect the symbol data in either the OnCalculate() for Indicators, or OnTick() for Expert advisors.


Excuse me but my English is not very good and it is not understood, I have a vertical line on the chart and I want to obtain, taking as reference that vertical line towards the candle (0) on the left, the maximum value and the minimum value of the chart and Once I have that data I will make a line from those two points, see image.

Manuel de los Heros Soler #:

Excuse me but my English is not very good and it is not understood, I have a vertical line on the chart and I want to obtain, taking as reference that vertical line towards the candle (0) on the left, the maximum value and the minimum value of the chart and Once I have that data I will make a line from those two points, see image.
Alexander Martinez #:

To answer your question:


int  iHighest(
   string           symbol,          // symbol
   int              timeframe,       // timeframe
   int              type,            // timeseries
   int              count,           // count
   int              start            // start


int  iLowest(
   string           symbol,          // symbol
   int              timeframe,       // timeframe
   int              type,            // timeseries id
   int              count,           // count
   int              start            // starting index

One thing to note is that it checks from right to left.

So if start=4 and count=10, it will look from index 4,5,6,7...13.

If I recall correctly, you can set a negative value for count and it will check from left to right.


//--- Obtain the index of the highest high from index 4 to index 1
const int highestHighIndex = iHighest(NULL, 0, MODE_HIGH, 4, 1);
//--- Use that index to obtain the value of the high
const double highestHigh   = High[highestHighIndex];

Print("The Highest High between index 1 and index 4 is: ", DoubleToStr(highestHigh, Digits));
Code of how to obtain the Price and Time of a point?
Code of how to obtain the Price and Time of a point?
  • 2022.04.26
Hello everyone...
Manuel de los Heros Soler #:

Excuse me but my English is not very good and it is not understood, I have a vertical line on the chart and I want to obtain, taking as reference that vertical line towards the candle (0) on the left, the maximum value and the minimum value of the chart and Once I have that data I will make a line from those two points, see image.

//|                                                    |
#property copyright "2022"
#property version   "1.01"
#property strict
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 0
#property indicator_plots   0

input color  UpColor   = clrDeepSkyBlue;
input color  DnColor   = clrRed;
input color  LineColor = clrGold;

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
void OnInit()
  SetVLine(0,"MVS_Start", iTime(_Symbol,0,10), 0, 1, clrBlue);
//|                                                                  |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Accumulation/Distribution                                        |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//|                                                                  |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
  double low[],high[];
  datetime time[];
  double min=0,max=0;
  datetime TimeDn=0,TimeUp=0;
  int Imin,Imax;

  datetime y1=(datetime)ObjectGetInteger(0,"MVS_Start",OBJPROP_TIME);
  datetime y2=TimeCurrent();
  int cLow=CopyLow(_Symbol,0,y1,y2,low);
  int cHigh=CopyHigh(_Symbol,0,y1,y2,high);
  datetime cTime=CopyTime(_Symbol,0,y1,y2,time);
  if(cLow<1 || cHigh<1 || cTime<1) return;
  SetArrow(0,"MVS_minA", TimeDn, min, DnColor, 110, 1, ANCHOR_TOP, false);
  SetArrow(0,"MVS_maxA", TimeUp, max, UpColor, 110, 1, ANCHOR_BOTTOM, false);
  SetTLine(0,"MVS_line", TimeDn, min, TimeUp, max, STYLE_SOLID, 1, LineColor);


//|                                                                  |
void SetVLine(long chart_ID,string nm, datetime t1=0, int st=0, int wd=1,color cl=clrRed)
  if(ObjectFind(chart_ID,nm)<0) {
//|                                                                  |
void SetTLine(long chart_ID,string nm,datetime t1=0,double p1=0,datetime t2=0,double p2=0,int st=0,int wd=1,color cl=clrRed)
  if(ObjectFind(chart_ID,nm)<0) {
//|                                                                  |
void SetArrow(long chart_ID,string nm="",datetime t1=0,double p1=0,color col=clrRed,int code=252,
              int width=1,ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR anchor=0,bool sel=false)
  if(ObjectFind(chart_ID,nm)<0) {


Many thanks to both Vitaly Muzichenko and Alexander Martinez.

I'm going to try it.
All the best

Vitaly Muzichenko #:

Hi Vitaly!

               Thank you very much for the code. I've tried it and it's perfect. Vitaly I have looked at myself and studied your code and there is part that I don't know what it does, would you be so kind as to explain to me what it does to learn it better?
               Thank you very much in advance and forgive my English.

if(cLow<1 || cHigh<1 || cTime<1) return;

             I think I know all the "if" functions but this "if" with the "return" and the rest confuses me and I don't know if it's part of the "if" or not.
All the best