[Archive] Learn how to make money villagers! - page 835


two options

- either copy the text and paste it into Word

- or run that PDF through FineReader.

I use the second one.

Thank you)

Yeah, the second way's fine.

Just copying text isn't the same, there's a whole book) with pictures, tables

they say some people think alike :DDD
FineReader didn't help either?

I haven't tried it yet, but I already downloaded it as sergeev suggested.

should work)


ugh, this link is a scam :D

I remember a program called PDF conventor, try it:)
I remember a program called PDF conventor.)


and FineReader doesn't work either.

the only thing left is to take a picture of each page and use Paint.NET to erase it as I want

then print it at the printer)

Rrrreeze I'm not in the know :D Study the market, learn strategies, take it and use it your way:) I think you'll find information on horizontal levels:)

You call yourself a mushroom, put it in the basket! ))

spill it


Maybe someone has a proven way to convert a PDF with pictures and text in WORD

I downloaded a bunch of programs, all is not correct, only clogged my computer

I searched online resources same thing is either bugs or a fee

"need to convert a trust fund client agreement :D"

here's my selection of pdf converters

i remember something like this was once used on an old computer. it seemed to work

the result depends on the quality of the original scan

h t t p : / / depositfiles.com/files/8x47gon9x


here's my selection of pdf converters

i remember using one of these once on an old computer. it seemed to work.

the result depends on the quality of the original scan

h t t p : / / depositfiles.com/files/8x47gon9x

Thanks, it's easier to do as I wrote above and everything will be perfect but the converted versions are not as pretty as you might think
Aston Martin guys... I'm a little tipsy... For you, from the heart...