How much is the "grail" worth? - page 7

With 100 quid of drawdown, the return would be about 300 without reinvestment.

Great! (I'd take one of my own, but it's not working).

Great! (I'd take one of my own, but I don't have any work to do).
It's expensive, you don't have enough money.
It's expensive, you don't have enough money.

Vladimir, you have everything for a hundred quid.


Vladimir, you have everything for a hundred quid.

Right, but 100 quid just for a sniff.
Are you selling something? (Or are you buying?)
I rent out exclusively. I can sell you, though. Like the Hanayama puzzle, 100 quid. I liked the Beard of this forum's dachshund.

Vladimir, you have everything for a hundred quid.

First 100 quid, then another 100 quid, then another 100 quid...
I rent out exclusively. I can sell to you, though. Like the Hanayama puzzle, 100 quid. I liked the Beard of this forum's dachshund.

I like Beard, too! And what optimism! Nobody's giving you 100 quid.
Like the Hanayama puzzle, 100 quid.

Here's a picture:


Here's a picture:

For good luck?
What's happiness got to do with it )))) to rack your brains. It's a level 10 Hanayama puzzle. I can take it apart and possibly put it back together with my eyes closed.