Econometrics: one step ahead forecast - page 99

"Concepts" are sometimes so simple that sometimes, indeed, you can almost pronounce them in plain text. It is the ability to perceive it that helps or hinders highlighting and letting in the necessary information, discarding the unnecessary.
avtomat: that "hint" --- "to the point" simplified presentation of the "concept of the system itself" presented from the very beginning, from the very first page.

I looked at the first few pages on purpose. Nothing but some generalised structural diagrams there. The 3rd page of the branch introduces some kind of lag and a centre scheme with a switch.

Suppose our process described by vector Y at different parts admits description by three (let us assume three for certainty) essentially different functional structures, i.e. it has three structurally stable phase states:

Where is the meaningful concept? But then you go on to write:

Well, here we are, we've done the first half of the way -- decomposed into components.

I hope I've made everything clear and understandable.

The task ahead is control synthesis.

Oleg, you're digging somewhere inside your interpretations of each element of the structure, but no content linking that structure to reality is visible.

What is control in the context of the system?

Next, on page 5:

The topic is not yet ripe for an article. It can be called a study or experiment, and only at its initial stage. There's a lot of work to be done here...

Well, there is, in fact, your conclusion. Your conclusion.

And you think others, even TAU experts, understand it all?


Here is the meaning of all what avtomat writes

We are now running a year-long experiment (and I note in parenthesis, on a real account with real money and cash) based on the TS tractor, which is based on the same "concept" ----isn't that enough reason to create a branch?

At the moment the third month of the experiment is over. The results of the first two months show an annual average return of 2332%. According to the accepted model, the annual efficiency of the system will be in the range of 70000% - 80000% per annum when reaching the operating point.

What does this have to do with your and my questions?



How about this: I'm still doing my experiment -- 10 months ahead -- if any questions arise along the way, I'll explain, I'll explain... But, agree, explaining what a derivative is would be too much... That is, some basic knowledge is assumed.

Yes, in order to understand it, you must put some effort, and sometimes considerable effort, and do some cognitive work. But I could not do that work of reflection for someone else, even if I wanted to.


Here is the meaning of all what avtomat writes

Now we are running a year-long experiment (and I note in parenthesis, on a real account with real money and cash) based on the TS tractor, which is based on the same "concept" --- already this - is not enough reason to create a branch?

At the moment the third month of the experiment is over. The results of the first two months show an annual average return of 2332%. According to the accepted model, the annual efficiency of the system will be in the range of 70000% - 80000% per annum when reaching the operating point.

What does this have to do with your and my questions?

is it very bad?
"Concepts" are sometimes so simple that sometimes, indeed, you can almost say them in plain text. It is the ability to perceive it that helps or hinders highlighting and letting in the necessary information, discarding the unnecessary.
Quite right.
is that too bad?
You're in advertising, you're a promoter, and you don't get banned. That's what I mean.
You're in advertising, you're a promoter and you don't get banned. That's what I mean.

oh yeah!!! and whose publicity am i doing?


Is it time to get banned yet?



Generally, some individuals have an "interesting" logic -- if the result is crap, it is accepted as the norm, discussed, cries for help, etc., etc.

Otherwise, they think it's advertising and, of course, with the econometric lexicon of "promoter".

Ridiculous, really...

What other stupid thing are you going to say, smart-ass?


Generally, some individuals have an "interesting" logic -- if the result is crap, it is accepted as the norm, discussed, cries for help, etc., etc.

Otherwise, they think it's advertising and, of course, with the econometric lexicon of 'promoter'.

Ridiculous, really...

What other stupid thing are you going to say, smart-ass?

you can discuss it in another thread. Are there any results (report, monitoring)?