[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 9: November 2011) - page 29



The pound is freaking out....
who has any thoughts? Bouncing back and forth.... on the news, too, it's not clear what's going on. We're still in the channel, but it can't last that long.
who has any thoughts? Bouncing back and forth.... on the news, too, it's not clear what's going on. We are in the channel so far, but it cannot last that long.
If we stay at this price level till midnight, then tomorrow we may go down.
If we stay at this price level until midnight, tomorrow could well be down.
And the day after that upwards.

Уоррен Баффет инвестировал за квартал рекордную сумму – $24 млрд.


Summary, Margarita summarises.

And up the day after tomorrow.
The day after tomorrow's move will depend on tomorrow's trading... Or an unforeseen earthquake. ))

Уоррен Баффет инвестировал за квартал рекордную сумму – $24 млрд.


Summary, Margarita summarises.

It's time for Buffett to retire... Watched his latest interview a couple of weeks ago... it was funny.... He was talking about how he was driving home in a car and they had to stop at a crossing because a goods train was coming. So, Buffett said that this train was full of cars and in his opinion this means that production is not stagnant, the economy is working, it's not as bad as they say about the crisis.... I was wondering why he didn't think about the fact that this train goes back and forth and cannot unload in any way as there are no customers to buy cars...does he not see his country's macro data, how the US budget deficit is increasing, etc.

...the euro already has no alternative...