Friday - page 24


Svinozavr: И эти Эллины будут диктовать поведение Евро?

Singing, the Hellenes ended 2000+ years ago. Now there are just Greeks living in Greece.


Singing, the Hellenes ended 2000+ years ago. Now there are just Greeks living in Greece.

Greeks... Have you been to Greece? Have you ever seen a Greek nose? Well, maybe I saw one. A German. A tourist.
Well, Greeks. And the euro is the euro. A with a European soul. Do you think he'll do it? I think it will. And it's going to be a long time.

Svinozavr: Greeks... Have you been to Greece? Have you ever seen a Greek nose there?
Well, I'm telling you, those "ancient Greeks" are long gone. Just a few pebbles to remind them of their former glory.

One, two,... one, two,... three-four-five... Testing, testing... Thank you...

Don't be alarmed. I'm getting ready for Friday. I'm checking the media.

I'll see you then.


Dreary. Woo-hoo-hoo...

(yawning) You can go left or right...
One way or the other, you'll get beaten up and lose your horse...
You don't have to be born straight...

That's awful. What's the way to live, brothers? )))


By the way! It's Friday! However... what am I - okay...

"One evening the patricians
"gathered at the Capitol
To share the news and
To drink a little liquor..."

A horse in a stall - half your problems are solved: you won't lose the horse until you find the stall, and your muzzle will only get hurt because of accidental wandering. Brutus.
A horse in a stall - half your problems are solved: you won't lose the horse until you find the stall, and your muzzle will only get hurt by accidental wandering. Brutus.

What about Caligula in the Senate with the horse?

No... That's no good.

I've read Bykov's "it's not enough" Tarkovsky. Who Arseniy is the father. And it makes me sad.

Dreary. Woo-hoo-hoo...

Come on, Petya! Look, it's unbelievable! I've discovered Headablasholders! I can't even see what the hell kind of magic is this?


I don't understand - why the quotes don't coincide when going Friday to Monday???

And if not in the vein and under 1000 pips on the 4 digits???