[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 7: September 2011) - page 28


Anyway, I would not overreact to the news at the moment. The Americans are ALL bad and everyone understands this, including the falsification of the macro data - this is clear to everyone. As for Europe, not everything is as bad as they write, they write nonsense as "to order". In my opinion there is a game going on in which not everyone can "survive". I think the flat will continue.

Come on, conspiracy theories are out of fashion today)

The climax is now upon us. The eu has hit the daily/weekly support line of a converging triangle. Either it will break and then we will go down for a long time, or it will go back up and the spring will tighten even more.

Yes, these are interesting times we are living in, comrades! Hooray!

I have to state once again that you are absolutely right, a lot is decided at this level, as the indicator has again outlined one buy line out of three. There is a tug of war going on.
Come on, conspiracy theories are out of fashion today).
You know I do not have the slightest desire or time to prove anything, so I will not argue with you. I have given my opinion based on my own experience and that's it, that's enough.
You know, I don't have the slightest desire or time to prove anything, so I won't argue with you. I have given my opinion based on my own experience and that's it, that's enough.
I was joking, Margarita, no offense) I actually follow the news only occasionally, while you all are constantly monitoring the branch. But I just came to share my impressions from what I've seen on YouTube and on the chart)

Well, we meet the 61st fib on the weeks, i.e. 1.3770. We finally got it).

And for those in doubt, check out what is being done in Europe https://www.mql5.com/go?link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rv3I7KxeP0U&feature=feedlik

It's possible of course, but Frank has been tweaked.


I want to make some money on the pullback... )))) I put a 100 pips SELL stop... What, is your "Owl" showing ? ....

It's a foundation - update once a week on weekends, that's why it's going north now.
Gentlemen, what is the address of the forex chat room?
while south if it rises to these levels you can still sell

This is a silly question, but could you tell me at what point in the history of the Euro? I wanted to draw a bit, but when I looked at it I got quotes below parity, so I think maybe it was the Deutsche Mark?


By the way, the quote data from all DTs is not correct. Look at the screenshot from 2010, there is no price below 1.20, although the EUR was there (about 1.18). Maybe it is a conspiracy? :))