Is any prediction doomed? - page 3


I am not questioning your achievements or the 100% results of the TC.
If someone else has it and I don't, then I'm not that clever yet. That's all.

What's the big deal about not being smart?
I don't even have 60% results, let alone 100% therefore not such a...
I don't even have 60% results, let alone 100% therefore not such a...

and how do you estimate this 60%?
I don't even have 60% results, let alone 100% therefore not such a...
you're not responding to my answer?
I have finalised some tools from the piggy bank of this forum.
I figured as much... very informative... some results won't be long in coming :)

Good day to you all!
I've been doing forecasting algorithms for quite a long time, and I've achieved some results. Of course there have been ups and downs...
The more I am doing this, the more I keep thinking that all forecasting is doomed...

I would like to hear the opinion of forum users on the subject.

I am grateful in advance for comments, well, and criticism too if it will be.

If forecasting were impossible, there would be no profitable Expert Advisors. The Expert Advisor always predicts the future price movement, unless its working principle is based on opening a position at random.


TheXpert: Любое прогнозирование в лоб обречено

+1. Predicting an instrument using data from the instrument itself (e.g. predicting the euro-dollar using data from the euro-dollar) is a futile exercise. This is a well-known fact, researched and confirmed 10 years ago. Therefore, it makes no sense to step on a rake or try to re-invent the wheel. ....))

Comprehensive forecasting, taking into account the relationship of a particular financial instrument with other financial instruments, yields a similar ~50%.

Debugger: Comprehensive forecasting, taking into account the relationship of a particular financial instrument with other financial instruments, yields a similar ~50%.

Generally speaking, forecasting in financial markets is a useless business. Only the search for patterns.....

My opinion is this: Most people's forecasts come true, but they cannot trade on them. The thing is that there comes a moment when one starts to trade against oneself (against one's own forecast) and as a result one gets a good loser. The reason is that at some moment the feeling arises that the forecast is wrong and the price moves in the wrong direction. They close losing or lock open positions and start trading against themselves...

Conclusion1: After making a forecast, take your time to open a position, or better yet, open a position against yourself with the smallest lot, and then, when you start to doubt your forecast, open it!

Conclusion2: Let the robots trade, and do not interfere in their work.