Copywriting in the advisor - page 8


You wrote about "editing" the novel War and Peace.

After your "edits" this "work" is indeed not "War and Peace", but it is not your work either.

(Article 1267 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Protection of authorship, name of the author and inviolability of his work after his death)

it wasn't an edit and edit. it's a brand new author's work........






legally it's like that, I didn't hear any objections from you. and the rest is just emotion and confusion of the soul. ))
The rest is just emotion and confusion of the soul. ))

and the topic writer has "cock-separated"?

Программист по ТЗ написал советник. Он имеет право в коде устанавливать свой копирайт.

Что такое копирайт и какие данные имеет право оставлять программист?

1) Имя фамилия ник

2 ) + свои контакты

3) Обязан ли он прописывать какое именно участие он принимал в разработке советника. 

а) советник полностью разработан и написан программистом

б) советник написан программистом по ТЗ второго лица(соответственно + данные разработчика)

К этой теме меня подтолкнул случай когда я удалил копирайт программиста который написал советник по моему ТЗ и выложил советник в для свободного доступа. В копирайте он указал только себя..как то забыв про меня.... Но когда я удалил его копирайт он потребовал восстановить их обратно. Копирайт восстановил..это не проблема.. но для себя хочу решить этот вопрос.

and the author has "dick-split"?

Well, the topic seems to have been covered and the conclusion is as stated in Article 1296 of the law:

Where a computer programme or database is created under a contract whose subject matter was its creation (by order), the exclusive right to such a programme or database belongs to the customer, unless the contract between the contractor (executor) and the customer provides otherwise.

To be more reliable it can be explicitly agreed with the contractor, but even if not it can always be changed the names of some variables in the code to have a legal basis for the removal of the copyright and the insertion of their own.

Well, nothing has been understood...
Each author of his own work... The author of the TK is his prose, the author of the advisor his prose.

And this needs to be properly understood:

In the case of a computer programme or database created under a contract, the subject of which was its creation (commissioned),

P.S. For those who understood what copyrights and copyrights are, let's go further: Contract of author's order