1к15 - page 3

Why Europa? initially we risk only 10p and get either 0 or 150p in the end

without taking the spread into account

1 deal 50p * 0.1 = $5
2) trade 40p * 0.1 = $4
3 deal 30 * 0,1 = $3
4 deal 20p * 0.1 = $2
5 deal 10p * 0.1 = $1
Total: $15

1 deal 10p * 0.5 = $5

Result: 15:5 = 3:1


I'd like to participate, too? It's Friday, though :))



О ! It's trending. Gotta go in.

If you try to lower the price, I think the whole joba crew will remember the case ;)

SZS: The main thing to understand is that the customer is always right - he said the TC is amazingly profitable - it means he already has a profit which he can share with the programmer in the form of payment for work

good luck!

I'm going against the trend $199.99 :))))
there will be no setback :))))

О ! It's trending. We should go in.

The interesting thing is: if the trend breaks the resistance line at "$0.00", what will happen?

Not only will I have to write a bot, but I will also have to pay extra money to the author?


I'm going against the $199.99 trend :)))

201$ :)


The interesting thing is: if the trend breaks the resistance line at "$0.00", what will happen?

Not only would I have to write a bot, but I would also have to pay extra money to the author?

Well, the system is profitable, the money will return later in plenty! ;)

О ! A trend. We should go in.

That's the first moose in the thread, Rustam turned the price up, and we told you not to move in the middle of a trend.
