[ARCHIVE] Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Nowhere without you - 3. - page 647


"#include <infoblock.mgh>.

compiling does not find infodox.mgh file for some reason ." - the names of the inludes are different .

Or it's not about this...

Sorry guys!
My bad, I just wrote it fast - wrong !

It should actually read like this :

the file infoblock.mgh can't be found when compiling
... and so on.

#include <WinUser32.mqh>

#include <infoblock.mgh>


Hello, I have a tick history, the format "EUR/USD,20110901 00:00:00.320,1.43634,1.43649" in exel.

and this whole "EUR/USD,20110901 00:00:00.320,1.43634,1.43649" line is in one cell.

Can you please tell me how I can get the last two values out of it? i.e. I need another excel file with only 1.43634 in one cell and 1.43649 in the other.

Or the same file as the original, but each value before the decimal point in a separate cell.

Respectfully, thank you.

2 Zhunko: thank you very much.

Only it wasn't exactly what helped.

It turned out to be much simpler than that.

For those who will need to split the contents of one cell in excel into several.

highlight the cell > data > text by column > there are three settings tabs, as you like to see the contents. everything is very simple.

Hi all! Guys..., a hint for a newbie...! I want to make it so that under certain conditions only one trade would open above the candle!!! I have a lot of trades opening for some reason... Not immediately, but gradually... I.e. let's say over a 5 minute candlestick during all 5 minutes deals are opened! And I need to make it so that only one trade is opened! And so that on the next candle under certain conditions, only one deal is also opened, etc.

Thank you!


Hello, I have a tick history, the format "EUR/USD,20110901 00:00:00.320,1.43634,1.43649" in exel.

and this whole "EUR/USD,20110901 00:00:00.320,1.43634,1.43649" line is in one cell.

Can you please tell me how I can get the last two values out of it? i.e. I need another excel file with only 1.43634 in one cell and 1.43649 in the other.

Or the same file as the original, but each value before the decimal point in a separate cell.

Regards, thank you.

Set the separator as required. Then delete unnecessary columns.
Hi all! Guys..., a hint for a newbie...! I want to make it so that under certain conditions only one trade would open above the candle!!! I have a lot of trades opening for some reason... Not immediately, but gradually... I.e. let's say over a 5 minute candlestick during all 5 minutes deals are opened! And I need to make it so that only one trade is opened! And so that on the next candle under certain conditions, only one deal is also opened, etc.

Thank you!

This is how it works.....
//|                                                       newbar.mq4 |
//|                      Copyright © 2012, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                        http://www.metaquotes.net |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2012, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      "http://www.metaquotes.net"

bool New_Bar=false;                             // Флаг нового бара
//| expert initialization function                                   |
int init()
//| expert deinitialization function                                 |
int deinit()
//| expert start function                                            |
int start()
    Fun_New_Bar();                               // Обращение к ф-ии
   if (New_Bar==false)                          // Если бар не новый..
      return;                                   // ..то уходим
   // ваш код
void Fun_New_Bar()                              // Ф-ия обнаружения ..
  {                                             // .. нового бара
   static datetime New_Time=0;                  // Время текущего бара
   New_Bar=false;                               // Нового бара нет
   if(New_Time!=Time[0])                        // Сравниваем время
      New_Time=Time[0];                         // Теперь время такое
      New_Bar=true;                             // Поймался новый бар
Set the delimiter as required. Then delete unnecessary columns.

what delimiter? does it do this directly in excel?

this file I downloaded. so it's not my ticking story.


Here you go.....
Thank you so much!!! And if I put the signal on the minus first bar from the open will it work?

What kind of separator? does it do that directly in excel?

this file I downloaded. so it's not my ticking story.

2 message at the top.

#include <WinUser32.mqh>

#include <infoblock.mgh>

thanks a lot! I don't have to tell you how these letters look alike.
And 28 years on monitors isn't of the best quality, so there's almost no chance of me seeing it.
I had practically no chance of seeing it!
Thank you again - thank you very much !