[ARCHIVE] Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Nowhere without you - 3. - page 286


Please help a beginner. How to write such a piece of code:

Check market orders and if there are no market orders for our financial instrument, we buy it?

It's not working!!! Help... Maybe someone has a ready-made piece of code?

//---- Проверка отрытых ордеров
void CheckOpenedOrders()
  for (int j = 0; j < OrdersTotal(); j++)
    OrderSelect(j, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
    if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol())
      if (OrderType() == OP_BUY)
        my_OrderBuy = OrderTicket();
       else DoTrade(1);
      if (OrderType() == OP_SELL)
        my_OrderSell = OrderTicket();
       else DoTrade(2);

void DoTrade(int workmode)
  switch (workmode)
    case 1:
    case 2:


Can you give it all in working form, i.e. with a start function and a description? It's not very clear. Thanks in advance!

Can you give it all in working form, i.e. with a start function and a description? It's not very clear. Thanks in advance!

Question. I would like to know when to open orders?


Question. When do I open orders?

We check the market orders and if there are no market buy orders for our financial instrument, we make a buy? This is the kind of area we need...


We check market orders and if there are no market buy orders for our financial instrument, we make a buy? This is the kind of area we need...

So we only open long positions?

So we only open long positions?

Yes, if there are no market buy orders for our financial instrument, then we buy!

Yes, if there are no market buy orders for our financial instrument, then buy!

//|                                                      OnlyBuy.mq4 |
//|                      Copyright © 2011, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                        http://www.metaquotes.net |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2011, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      "http://www.metaquotes.net"

extern double lots=0.1;
extern int SlipPage=3;
//| expert initialization function                                   |
int init()
//| expert deinitialization function                                 |
int deinit()
//| expert start function                                            |
int start()
  for (int j = 0; j < OrdersTotal(); j++)
    OrderSelect(j, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
    if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol())
      if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) return(0);
       else OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,lots,NormalizeDouble(Ask,Digits),SlipPage,0,0,NULL,0,0,Red);
icas, don't embarrass yourself in front of newcomers, fix your code to the right one.
icas, don't embarrass yourself in front of newcomers, fix your code to the right one.

Where? I don't see it.

on the first non-buy order you will flood the account with buy orders.