Currency pair investment strategy - page 10

yosuf, why not the other way around, hold a buy position and make money on the sells?
you speak the truth... :0)
Yusufkhoja, my advice to you, improve your indicator (logic), learn to find the reversal points on the chart (the indicator should be further used to filter) and with minimal losses (possible - called stops), etc. The rest you have to figure out yourself, or else all the secrets of forex will reveal ..., you'll see the real possibilities for normal earnings ... With respect sever11
OK, clarified - the risks remain, benefits in terms of what? Prediction?
Shit, when I started, the information on options (at least in ruzon) was pretty scarce, but now you just have to Google it, even on wikipedia...
I am not saying there is no risk at all, there is always risk. But there are some undeniable advantages over trading on margin.
Elder says he does not know people who have made money buying options. Although I don't believe him, because I know people who have made money on them, at least they haven't lost money.
I'm not talking about complete absence of risk, there is always risk. But there are some undeniable advantages over margin trading.

There are. But there are also disadvantages:

1. I don't have options in BC :))

yosuf, why not the other way around, hold a buy position and make money on the sells?
Have a look above, please, explained the viciousness of this approach. What is it that YOU don't like to sell all the time?
If you want to make a profit wherever the price goes, trade options.
First let's get to the bottom of Forex
Man, well when I started out the info on options (at least in ruzon) was pretty sparse, but now you just have to google it, even in the same wikipedia...

sorry, I feel like "questioning" the options earning witness - googling, reading, and am amazed that there is so much info on the forums this year about the profitability of options trading - it just doesn't happen that easily

BLACK_BOX - yes! You wrote what I suspected.

Elder says he does not know people who have made money buying options. Although I don't believe him, because I know people who made money on them, at least they didn't lose money.
Taleb says exactly the opposite.

There are. But there are also disadvantages:

1. I don't have options at the DC :))

Exactly - you will not find them in a brokerage company. At least I know only one brokerage company with the letter X which allows to trade with them and that on a self-written terminal because MT is not adapted to them.