Currency pair investment strategy - page 3


And what is the difference between the price field at constant sell and the field at constant buy, unless by swap signs?

The strategy you are trying to "promote" is known as a kind of spread trading, and has potential on two highly correlated symbols, as long as they are in a flat 2/3 of the time of your trading horizon (timeframe).


Initially this is what you should do until you have accumulated enough funds, or you have forgotten that it is not your funds that are growing in the field, which you previously wanted to prune with impunity, you need to prune your invested funds. Do you get it now?
Fortunately, no. I don't believe in words, I believe in maths. And the maths of trading is simple. If you subtract the purchase price from the sale price, you get the result. Profit or loss. And you can lock up or you can drink vodka, it's the only way.

Connect logic: exiting a lock is equivalent to closing the position and paying off the drawdown with the remaining deposit. That is, using a position does not reduce risks and gives no statistical advantage!

If you want to use it, be my guest, it's up to personal trader. But do not talk about the strategy based on the lock, or risk minimizing, or any other nonsense about locks.

If you want to understand - search the forum: I've counted so many times that I'm sick of repeating myself. If you do not understand why, then either repeat the arithmetic, or find something to do with your way of thinking. Not everyone can trade, just as not everyone can dance/programme/swim ...... or whatever - no big deal.

No. (figured it out a long time ago).

Didn't you think it was nonsense before that you could supposedly profit both ways? That was an illusion you didn't want to turn away from - it was too good with a bad ending.
No, it didn't seem and no illusion ;) - Only with one clarification: in both directions, not simultaneously and quite logically: if an asset becomes cheaper, you make profit on selling it, if it becomes more expensive, you make profit on buying it. What is unclear or illogical?

And what is the difference between the price field at constant sell and the field at constant buy, unless by swap signs?

The strategy you are trying to "promote" is known as a kind of spread trading, and has potential on two highly correlated symbols, as long as they are in a flat 2/3 of the time of your trading horizon (timeframe).

The difference is dramatically different. In the sell mode you accumulate your and your earnings in the rise of the pair, and there is always a 100% chance of return, which, of course, you do not want to take, but keep in case of a new rise in the sell mode, which allows you to convert the points you suffered in the buy mode into profit.
Fortunately, I don't. I don't believe in words, I believe in maths. And the maths of trading are simple. If you subtract the purchase price from the sale price, you get the result. Profit or loss. And you can lock up or you can drink vodka, it's the only way.
I'm sure you'll get it later. Just as the maths has broken down before, showing the illusion.
I'm sure it will come to that a little later. Just as the maths has been broken before, showing the illusion.
He argued with mathematics, for which he was beaten repeatedly and badly.)
The difference is radically different. In the sell mode you accumulate your and your earnings in the rise of the pair and there is always a 100% return probability, which of course you do not want to take away, but keep in case of a new rise in the sell mode, which allows you to convert the points you have suffered in the buy mode into profits.

So what is the difference between buy and sell?
The difference is radically different. In the sell mode you accumulate your and your earnings in the rise of the pair and there is always a 100% return probability , which of course you do not want to take away, but keep in case of a new rise in the sell mode, which allows you to convert the pips you suffered in the buy mode into profits.

Still don't get the pitch.... is it a martin with lots? (if you take 100% out of the system, it might work).
No, it didn't seem and no illusions ;) - Only with one clarification: not in both directions simultaneously and quite logically: if an asset becomes cheaper, you make money on selling it, if it becomes more expensive, you make money on buying it. What is unclear or illogical?
What is incomprehensible and illogical is that you have considered as profit the proceeds from selling the currency, which you did not buy and tried to appropriate, exposing the price field of insurance, or rather not insurance, but simply the funds that should help you to trade. Distract yourself and try to act in a similar way with any commodity on the market. Will you be able to sell goods that you have not yet bought? Unless you are a middleman, which is very slippery.