Currency pair investment strategy - page 2


So you go to a field. And instead of daisies there are quid, quid, quid. And instead of cornflowers in the rye, there are eucharists. It's beautiful, like Levitan.

You take off your shirt, tie it in a knot, and invest it!

Initially this is exactly what you should do until you have saved enough money, otherwise you forget that it is not your money that is growing in the field, which you previously wanted to prune with impunity, you have to prune your invested money. Do you get it now?

It's not a pure lock, it's an attempt to work without risk. I just don't manage to explain, and you don't want to get away from stereotypical thinking to get to the bottom of the approach.

I'm sorry, but that's a load of bollocks...


I wonder how much time are you prepared to expect a return, let alone points...


You are mistaken again -- price does not necessarily have to return to the place where you placed your orders.


You don't want to get away from stereotypical thinking,

Yusufkhoja, you are writing nonsense, I am sorry. Try getting your hands on a calculator. If the end goal is to make money, then calculate it. And at the same time estimate the time that will be needed and the probability of occurrence of conditions for obtaining this income.

There are different cases with unconventional approaches ;):


Yusufkhoja, you are writing nonsense, I am sorry. Try getting your hands on a calculator. If the end goal is to make money, then calculate it. And at the same time estimate the time that will be needed and the probability of occurrence of conditions for obtaining this income.

There are different cases with unconventional approaches ;):

One got a raw steak (or something with his hands - he can't get out of the loca)
One got a raw steak (or something with his hands - he can't get out of the loca)

Connect logic: exiting a lock is equivalent to closing the position and paying off the drawdown with the remaining deposit. That is, using a lock does not reduce risks and does not give any statistical advantage!

If you want to use it, be my guest, it's up to personal trader. But do not talk about the strategy based on the lock, or risk minimizing, or any other nonsense about locks.

If you want to understand - search the forum: I've counted so many times that I'm sick of repeating myself. If you do not understand why, then either repeat the arithmetic, or find something to do with your way of thinking. Not everyone can trade, just as not everyone can dance/programmer/swim ...... or whatever - no big deal.


Connect logic: exiting a lock is equivalent to closing the position and paying off the drawdown with the remaining deposit. That is, using a position does not reduce risks and gives no statistical advantage!

If you want to use it, be my guest, it's up to personal trader. But do not talk about the strategy based on the lock, or risk minimizing, or any other nonsense about locks.

If you want to understand - search the forum: I've counted so many times that I'm sick of repeating myself. If you do not understand why, then either repeat the arithmetic, or find something to do with your way of thinking. Not everyone can trade, just as not everyone can dance/programme/swim ...... or whatever - no big deal.

Once again, it all comes down to a clean lock and how it's managed. I repeat, no such lock is used here, it does not need to be "managed". I am simply arguing that the price field should be securely funded. Buy anywhere if funds allow and since I suggest never closing a sell position, you get a temporary lock and as soon as you close the buy you go back to selling what you bought. Only then a profit is formed. I cannot explain the obvious thing that causes all the troubles in Forex. This is why they do not buy and sell currencies. What they have tried to do so far is an illusion. Trying to sell other people's currency, please think about it.

I'm sorry, but that's a load of bollocks...


I wonder how long time are you willing to wait for the return, let alone the pips...


You're wrong again -- the price doesn't necessarily have to return to the place where you placed the orders.

If the price does not come back, you are obliged to invest that plot and resume full trading. This will only happen to you once on this lot. And time has nothing to do with it if you missed it by not buying currency. Now you have to invest your own money. Who forbade you to buy currency for the time period you specified on the chart in loc mode? And now you would start selling from that high, making a profit if the price falls. Clearly, you did not want to pay for the services of the trading floor and its rental. You stayed on the sidelines. The market has gone without your participation and as a one-off punishment you are obliged to invest this area with your funds in order to become a full participant.
one got a raw steak (or something with his hands - can't get out of the loca)

You don't even have to try to get out of the lock, you have to change the logic of the trade.

Again it all comes down to pure locus and how to break it. I repeat, no such lock is used here, it doesn't need to be "managed". I'm simply arguing that the price field should be reliably funded. Buy anywhere if funds allow and since I suggest that you never close a sell position, you get a temporary lock and as soon as you close the buy you go back to selling what you bought. Only then a profit is formed. I cannot explain the obvious thing that causes all the troubles in Forex. This is why they do not buy and sell currencies. What they have tried to do so far is an illusion. Trying to sell other people's currency, please think about it.

This is incorrect. If the entire price range is covered with orders of equal size and locking in your main sells, the profit will not be formed until the price returns to the point of your first sale, and if you consider that you are going to partially lock in purchases when the rate moves against open sells, then the price should fall below the entry point, and if you also consider swaps and holding times, then probably much lower. The example above clearly shows it: if you started trading in 2001 with the suggested strategy, you would still only lose deposits. You will need at least the same amount of time to work out under favourable conditions for this strategy.

Illusion is what you are proposing. And it is obvious that it is not viable. If you do not understand why - try to sit down with a calculator and calculate. Get rid of your intuition and emotions, especially if it is not associated with determining entry and exit points: trading is a numbers game. While intuition can form part of a trading system for determining entry/exit points, it is detrimental for calculating results - just a simple calculator.


This is incorrect. If the entire price range is covered by orders of equal size, then a profit will not be formed until the price returns to the point of your first sale, and if we consider that you are going to partially lock in purchases when the rate moves against open sells, then the price must fall below the entry point, and if you also consider swaps and hold times, then probably much lower. The example above clearly shows it: if you started trading in 2001 with the suggested strategy, you would still only lose deposits. You will need at least the same amount of time to work out under favourable conditions for this strategy.

Illusion is what you are proposing. And it is obvious that it is not viable. If you do not understand why - try to sit down with a calculator and calculate. Get rid of your intuition and emotions, especially if it is not associated with determining entry and exit points: trading is a numbers game. If intuition can form part of a trading system to determine entry/exit points, it is detrimental to calculating results - just a simple calculator.

Didn't it seem nonsense to you before that you could supposedly profit in both directions? That was an illusion you don't want to turn away from - it was too good with a bad ending.