TA or something you don't know about. - page 44


I give an example: Future - I drink tea with strawberry jam, present - I take a basket and go to the forest.

I'll give you an example:
Future - I'm having breakfast, present - I'm taking the pawpaw and going into the forest.

Only in our examples the probability distribution is far from 50/50, unlike the topic of the forum.


I'll give you an example: In the future, I drink tea with strawberry jam; in the present, I take a basket and go into the forest.

And there's a bear. And that's it. No more pouch, no more jam... There's only forks and spoons left from Tantric.

hire someone to do the job
You should probably go to Job...;)

if there are bears in the woods, you have to go with a carbine, hire someone to do it

Oh, come on. To get strawberries with a carbine, guards on a tank.

- Tantric, what's up? War?

- No, I'm getting strawberries for my tea, and tomorrow I'm going for roach in the underwater loch.


When Piglet comes back, he will give you tea with carbines and forecasting with bears, and when he gets to managing the past from the present ... you'd better step away from the computer.

Tantrik 24.07.2011 21:49

cобственно на вопросы ответил. ещё мгу ответить один вопрос (потом стираю этот флуд)

That's right, you're scared.

The questions have actually been answered. I can answer one more question (I'll erase the flooding later).

Is there life on Mars?

Is there life on Mars?
Definitely not - there is no water, which means there will be nothing to dilute the alcohol ....
Definitely not - there's no water, which means there's nothing to dilute the alcohol with ....

So there are no alcoholics there. Doesn't mean there is no organism life that doesn't need water.

So there are no alcoholics there . Doesn't mean there's no organism life that doesn't need water.

yes, but don't forget that alcohol made you grow up - did your mother give you cough medicine? - Well, it's pure alcohol. I don't want to talk about geniuses - who and how much they drank...

Is there life on Mars?
There is, but is there life...