FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 149


Chinese rating agency Dagong Global Credit Rating plans to downgrade the US sovereign rating within six months. "Over the next three to six months, we will definitely downgrade the US unless there are significant developments and the country's fiscal situation improves," experts told Dagong Global Credit Rating, according to Reuters.

Previously, the Chinese agency noted that it rates the US creditworthiness at AA, which is below China's credit rating (AA+) and well below the credit rating assigned to America by the three major international credit rating agencies (AAA - the highest category)

IMF data shows that in the first quarter the dollar share of global foreign exchange reserves fell to its lowest level since 1997 at 60.7%. Furthermore, the rating agency Moody's Investors Service changed its outlook on the US credit rating to negative for the first time since 1995.

Where did the 39.3% go? Was it burned?
Ratings agency Moody's has said it may cut the US credit rating due to the risk of default. If President Barack Obama fails to reach an agreement with Congress to raise the debt ceiling by 2 August, the country faces bankruptcy.

Chinese rating agency Dagong Global Credit Rating plans to downgrade the US sovereign rating within six months. "Over the next three to six months we will definitely downgrade the US unless there are significant developments and the country's fiscal situation improves"...


Chinese rating agency Dagong Global Credit Rating plans to downgrade the US sovereign rating within six months. "Over the next three to six months, we will definitely downgrade the US unless there are significant developments and the country's fiscal situation improves," experts at Dagong Global Credit Rating said, according to Reuters.

The Chinese agency earlier said it rates the U.S. creditworthiness at AA, which is below China's credit rating (AA+) and well below the credit rating assigned to America by the three major international credit rating agencies (AAA - the highest category)

This is bullshit, they need more than an atomic bomb, they have their own "rating", they want to get into the "world reserve". In five years, we will buy pennies instead of dollars :-)
That's it, I'm opening my own rating agency, I'm going to downgrade and upgrade...) Who's first?)
Ratings agency Moody's has said it may cut the US credit rating due to the risk of default. If President Barack Obama fails to reach an agreement with Congress to raise the debt ceiling by 2 August, the country faces bankruptcy.

And these ones are threatened, the commission dictates what to do :-) Officials want to eat and congress realises that sooner or later they will screw up. In short, there's a civil war in the states, raising the dollar hasn't helped, they're blackmailing...
That's it, I'm opening my own rating agency, I'm going to downgrade and upgrade...)) Who first?)

Try the moderator, he'll downgrade and bite you off ))))

Try the moderator, he'll demote you and give you a bite )))
Right, moderators as companions)
What happened to 39.3 per cent? Was it burned?
Don't bother. I think narrowing of ranges is the way to go. Volatility over several periods. I looked at your link for ind. deja vu, decomp, still don't understand the logic...