FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 110

oh please. what are they going to do ))))

Rating agencies will be abolished

All it takes is the political will, and it is always possible to find something to do. For a start, at least they can create artificial problems for the divisions of the rating agencies in Europe. Dissatisfaction is growing and growing very strongly. Any attempts to do something about it will result in a downgrade in response. At the same time, the US has been unable to come to an agreement on the national debt for a day now and there is silence from the rating agencies.
On the contrary, they are barking up the euro )))
2011.07.12 21:32:08 *Moody's: Increasing possibility that private sector lenders will be required as a precondition
2011.07.12 21:30:44 *Moody's: Increasing possibility that Ireland is likely to require further stages of official financing
2011.07.12 21:33:3512 21:33:35 *Moody's: Negative outlook on Ireland's rating due to 'significant' implementation risk for deficit reduction plan
2011.07.12 21:34:17 *Moody's: Negative outlook on Ireland's rating made amid change in tone of statement among EU leaders
2011.07.12 21:37:06 *Moody's: Ireland is likely to need formal funding at the end of the current EU/IMF programme in late 2013
2011.07.12 21:38:17 *Moody's: The prospect of any form of private sector involvement in debt relief is negative for sovereign debt holders of troubled countries
2011.07.12 21:38:41 *Moody's: Ireland has demonstrated a "strong commitment" to fiscal consolidation
2011.07.12 21:40:02 *Moody's: Ireland has met its programme targets
2011.07.12 21:41:22 *Moody's: The eurozone's strength and fiscal capacity is supported by the Aaa ratings of countries such as France and Germany
2011.07.1212 21:42:16 *Moody's: Consider further downgrade of Ireland if government fails to meet fiscal consolidation targets
2011.07.12 21:42:51 *Moody's: Further deterioration of Ireland's economic outlook will increase downward pressure
2011.07.12 21:44:32 *Moody's: Market destabilisation arising from Greece's disorderly default will put downward pressure on Ireland
2011.07.12 21:45:26 *Moody's: 'Main factor' in Ireland's downgrade is likelihood of current investors' involvement
2011.07.12 21:46:10 *Moody's: Upward pressure on Ireland's rating could emerge if the government meets fiscal consolidation targets
2011.07.12 21:46:45 *Moody's: A return to robust economic growth could lead to a rating upgrade

Rating agencies will be abolished

And the atomic bomb too, we are for world peace ))))
the power is in the quid. the quid prevails. they're going to get screwed by the agencies.
Besides, it is enough for European politicians to come up with a mechanism that will imply financial and other kinds of responsibility of rating agencies for voiced assessments and forecasts and they will have a completely different conversation.
2011.07.12 21:48:00 *ECB spokesman Novotny: Rating agencies are unnecessary to assess the situation in Greece
2011.07.12 21:48:26 *Novotny: Rating agencies make the situation in Greece worse, they only provide an opinion, not new information

Rating agencies will be abolished

"And then Chief Medical Officer Morgulis banned TV" - from a Vysotsky song. And also all the directors of rating agencies will be jailed for fifteen years. It will be so Soviet (and now German too?)
Besides, it is enough for European politicians to come up with a mechanism that will imply financial and other kinds of responsibility of rating agencies for voiced assessments and forecasts and they will have a completely different conversation.
Yes ... let them come up with it ... let them do the same to their economy ... they thought they could compete with the Americans. (They will not come up with anything.)
2011.07.12 21:48:00 *ECB spokesman Novotny: Rating agencies are unnecessary to assess the situation in Greece
2011.07.12 21:48:26 *Novotny: Rating agencies make the situation in Greece worse, they only provide an opinion, not new information

Margaret, they are all American, they cannot be banned, when they say they will ban rating agencies should not be taken literally, in the snake language of PR, it means the message "they lie", that way they try to neutralise the toxic spit of ratings for a while, what else can they do, with the German speaking intelligently and the Greek a complete fool...