FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 61

God forbid - may he live and prosper, because his funeral as in global nuclear, threatens to bury the entire currency market... thugh, thugh, thugh... :)))))

Is it just the fundamentals, or is there more technical confirmation?

To ZetM: No one is burying the dollar, I say it is just a game, but now it is its turn to get cheaper))))

God forbid - may he live and prosper, because his funeral as in global nuclear, threatens to bury the entire currency market... thugh, thugh, thugh... :)))))

I agree)))

You won't see his demise, don't you hope....))))

+100 ...The economic system is like that and debt is an inevitability. But how progress has been driven by this system!!! The important thing is to understand and understand what news is important at the moment and what is expected of it. Another system won't be invented any time soon. But AMERICANS have gone crazy $14 trillion !!! I wish Russia had that much and Ukraine and its fat would join us back ))))

+100 ... The economic system is like that, and debt is an inevitability. But what progress has been made by the system!!! The main thing is to understand and understand what news is important at the moment and what is expected of it. Another system won't be invented any time soon. AMERICAN REPUBLIC has $14 trillion! If only Russia had that much money, Ukraine and its fat would join us again.)

Exactly, the economic system is like that, I would say that progress has ended and regression has begun, many people know or suspect the end, so I would not sing the praises of this system.

And we will come to you with lard tomorrow, but who will feed our orphans in the government?)))


And we will come to you with lard tomorrow, but who will feed our orphans in the government?)))

Nobody is going to feed them.) So they are chasing them from one orphan girl to another to come up with something good.... They cannot think of anything good (( They just show off their cottages and yachts, and they jump on other people's beds on the way (however they are physiological) ..... Others come and start it all over again - cyclicality in everything.) So they begin to put pressure on the dollar, maybe they will give birth to something sensible, although everything is rotten there too .... Hence, the conclusion is premature: the dollar is down, but once they give birth to it, the dollar will go up.... but it is interesting what they will give birth to ))))

No one is going to feed them ))))
If you go to work, you pay taxes, if you are an entrepreneur, you pay taxes, if you buy goods or use services, you and the producer pay taxes, etc. Three guesses where the money goes. And you say no one is going to))))
Three guesses where the money is going. And you say no one is going))))

If you are smart about it, you can get some of the money back (good accountants know this)... The human lifespan is short...And they have been asked more than once (in history)... You have to put pressure on them, or there is no other way.) Greece is being bent over (of sorts), time will pass and they will see where it goes... Europe has been browbeaten, now it is America's turn.

Stros Kahn is also sort of being justified))))). Now the Eureka can rejoice in the American judicial system (rotten like))))

If you are smart about it, you can get some of the money back (good accountants know this)... The human lifespan is short...And they have been asked more than once (in history)... You have to put pressure on them, or there is no other way.) Greece is being bent over (of sorts), time will pass and they will see where it goes... Europe has been browbeaten, now it is America's turn.

Greece was forced to sign the privatization agreement, I think their state-owned railway will be crying )))))...

To ZetM: no one is burying the dollar, I say it's just a game, but now it's its turn to get cheaper)))

Maybe we will go with a gap up on the news and then close the window, tonight we will see if there will be a gap or not...