FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 56

Igor, show me this screen on W1

Anyway, the indicator considers that downward movement is preferable, if we take a hindsight from the last, more significant trend. The indicator suggests but the market does. We will see. One thing is certain - the market tension is huge:


this is a screenshot

and these are the weeks.

Even the Chinese look alike, let alone charts ))))

I haven't heard from Margarita.)


this is a screenshot

and these are the weeks.

Even the Chinese look alike, let alone charts ))))

For the weeks - I agree - we are now at the end of the fourth hard one with a distant target of 1,700

Margarita, I don't hear any ))))

I'm listening to the news... All the media are saying that the eu is already fed up with its growth, it's time to pay for its sins.... it's not Europe that's holding the eu, but the USA....

But, as Romanov says, "And then it will come back and laugh at you!"

I like trading days like this....

For the weeks - I agree - we are now at the end of the fourth hard target at 1,700

Stereo ))))

States, all last years at war with China to strengthen the yuan, the expensive dollar is a downfall for the US economy, stunts with inflated crises, just veiled support for Uncle Sam's trousers. Huge sums of money are being allocated to support Greece, going, ostensibly, to pay off debts to the mvf, where have they spent it if they borrowed so much. The Greeks must have got into this theme and are taking full advantage of it, wages and social benefits in Greece are already higher than in Germany.

Ukraine is in the top five outsiders in terms of economic development, owes the mvf no small amount either, but silent.

You have to use dashes. Like Tantric. And read cooking recipes and anecdotes in newspapers ))))

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For the weeks - I agree - we are now at the end of the fourth hard with a distant target of 1.700

Sounds like 1.3390 to me



looks like 1.3390 to me )))))

What does the indicator with the squares show?

If the squares were arranged in a circle, it would look like a nuclear reactor monitor ))))


Stereo ))))

The U.S. has been at war with China over the last few years for a stronger yuan, an expensive dollar a crash for the U.S. economy, stunts with inflated crises, just veiled support for Uncle Sam's trousers. Huge amounts of money are being allocated to support Greece, going, ostensibly, to pay off debts to the mvf, where have they managed to spend it if they borrowed so much. The Greeks must have got into this theme and are taking full advantage of it, wages and social benefits in Greece are already higher than in Germany.

Ukraine is one of the five outsiders in terms of economic development and owes the IMF a lot, but there is no word.

You have to use dashes. Like Tantric. And read cooking recipes and anecdotes in newspapers ))))

Obviously, the expensive euro (or cheaper dollar) is beneficial only for the pindostan, it kills a lot of birds with that - no problem with repayment of debts: "Take it - I will draw more for myself" (c), the redirection of cheap Chinese consumer goods to Europe, and the pindosants all stay at home during the holiday season and do not dream about going to Europe - again, expensive.

But this is just for fun.


What does the indicator with the squares show?

Price Action