'' Predicting price movements 100% - page 3

Who can say with 90% certainty which way the price will go in the next few seconds or minutes, not hours, not days and certainly not weeks :)
Sometimes inspiration comes, so I can make a accurate prediction for 3 weeks )
Who can say with 90% certainty which way the price will go in the next few seconds or minutes , but not hours or days or weeks :)

No seconds - minutes - no. I make predictions from H4 (I have no idea if it is 70% or 90% accurate, 100% is not)

extra: good forecasts when you are not in the market.


You try to beat the price and the price tries to beat you, but Victory and Defeat are two sides of the same coin.

Just like bulls and bears, love and hate, etc. etc. One has to get out of this vicious circle of Duality.

It is as useless to fight as it is to try to win.

Spit it out.
Hint: have you ever noticed that the price always goes against your will?)

Yes, it's vice versa: I say go there and go there, the only problem is 98% TP, yesterday with the yen, TP was 80.200 for two days, but it only got to 80.255 and turned around, like with the euro I said 1.4570 a week ago, but look how it turned out only 1.4550


This is what it means to take the bull by the horns. And we've been struggling with strategies for a year...
Maybe he'll take the bear for something in the next post, too....

Yes, with such an algorithm try to drive to the country house in a car, with your mind turned off...

Getting the profit from Forex is like getting to Antarctica, you will not get it if you use only one mode of transport, especially if your mind is switched off.


Like the whole branch from the beginning((((


only for those - who don't know, otherwise the answer would have been here long ago.
Those who do know sit in a completely different place and force you to ask such questions (and with a mentoring tone).

Then you don't know how to manage price more or less.

It is so, and I do not strive for it, the crumbs that I pluck from the market are enough, I do not dream of opening an order at the very top and flooding all the threads with screens, I am well aware that everybody can make a mistake, I believe in statistical studies

and that's why i don't believe in"100% price movement prediction", but in technical analysis.


You can reach your Antarctica with two feet, just as in forex you can only limit yourself to two actions =

= Open order - close order, no turkeys or pythons). It is pure mathematics and we can only automate it, the main thing is to make sure that the EA is accurate and does not interfere with the real time.

) The main thing is to make sure the EA is accurate and does not make mistakes or it may mess up.

If you walk on water too, yes.

I once wrote that it's easy to make money, you just have to enter and exit the trade at the right time. Only 99.9% of traders or their advisers fail to do this.