[Branch closed!] EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 4) - page 122

Yes, yes, yes, but can't you answer the question once - long or short - once?

You're not following the forum...I wrote my positions earlier....

I'll answer you personally: I have two real accounts with long positions and in one of them I also work in the short term... What do you do here? Scandals? Pimps?

And you, I see, want to go around with your own sword, don't you?
Hats off to you, your trading experience is greater than mine and so is your knowledge of the global economy. When I took Political Economy in college, speculation, in any form, was considered a crime. My depo is small, but it's real.

You are not following the forum...I posted my postings earlier....

I'm answering to you personally: I have two real accounts with long positions and one of them I'm working on short-term... What do you do here? Scandals? Pimps?

Forgive me, magnanimously, dear Margot!

Really haven't seen or read it. The scandals, the pandering - God forbid!

Apparently, having met you, I'm going to be in a hurry, and only SoW will give money to live on.

Hats off to you, your trading experience is greater than mine, as is your knowledge of global economics. When I took Political Economy in college, speculation, in any form, was considered a crime. My dept is small, but real.
So don't engage in mudslinging at others... Have respect and maintain your dignity... Judge not, lest ye be judged!

Now that's an avatar as an avatar, a very nice avatar indeed...

P.S. Don't get into silly polemics, remember the classics: "Born to crawl - can't fly!

I noticed long ago, if one's head is in a mess, one chooses the nickname "cosmos" or something like that ;-)

It's not a goat I'm sitting on, it's a mountain sheep.

It's a diagnosis...
So don't go around shitting on others... Have respect and keep your dignity... Judge not, lest ye be judged!
Why on earth did you, incomparable, see me vilifying other traders? They themselves are not a model of civility. Turning this thread into something you don't know about. I think this thread should provide information and forecasts for different traders, otherwise, what for? The only rule is to justify your forecasts. And here we have some people who trade pose for two or three days and laugh not only at the depot but also at TP size. Are they rich or what? Or the Majors (not pairs, but people). Be, Margarita, if you can...!)

This is a diagnosis...
Are you challenging me?
How on earth did you, Incomparable, see me denigrating other traders?
I was talking about wave drivers and PR that you attribute to me... I don't need PR, I have it without the forum thanks to my DC...

So either be jealous - or don't write nonsense - I told you to wait till the 19th - but the victims didn't believe it aahha

I had my chance-- and the market rewarded me .

not the victims mikhail, but the society of pathfinders! and it's time to put it in quotes!


work out and the next one is 31.05.