end of 2011. - Beginning of the second wave of the crisis - page 67


It's September 16, not October - look closely. So there seems to be nothing abnormal here.

What is abnormal is the chain itself, where everything is too perfect. Even the grandees of the wave analysis do not do that.

And in general, such chains are a clear mauvais ton among wave analysts.


It's September 16, not October - look closely. So there seems to be nothing abnormal here.

What is abnormal is the chain itself, in which everything is too perfect. Even the grandees of the wave analysis do not do that.

And in general, such chains are a clear mauvais ton among wave analysts.

Well, Niroba's no grandee. He himself writes that he has discovered a method of seeing the future. So he's a God. Including wave analysis. So everything may be perfect for him. And the fact that he lost a couple of PAMMs on his analysis, it is specially for the intrigue.

And now you remember, as they are the ones that perfectly fit the movement...

Well, during several years of his impetuous forecasting activity he must have been lucky at least once, he has waited so long :) Besides the promised price level of the forecast is exorbitant, I suggest to wait, i.e. to accept his pictures early, that one with 54 pages has not come true yet.

have you asked the readers? I say let him do it.

until there is clear evidence of the use of photoshop.

there's a lot of threads on this forum that should have been torn down a long time ago...

one more one less...


Have the readers been asked? I say let him draw.

There's no clear evidence of photoshop use yet.

there's a lot of threads on this forum that should have been torn down a long time ago...

One more and one less...

there are a lot of threads on the forum that should have been taken down a long time ago.

And here the shares of North Korean companies are no longer traded ;).

If the resource owners allow "humorous" and philosophical postings - why not?


majestic: until there is clear evidence of the use of photoshop.
There was no talk of photoshop at all. It was about creating a false impression.
Photoshop was not the point. It was about creating a false impression.

I would buy shorts during the day ... but I have to wait months)))

how he dashingly moves the coloured dice )))... the masters of illusions are resting ....

(from page 54 pictures))))

Vizard: but how dashingly he moves the coloured dice )))...the masters of illusions are resting ....

Yes, that's exactly what it's about. It's changing the history of predictions - to post them here later and say: look how astute I am, I can see the future ahead.

And you can't call it anything but fraud.

This wasn't about Photoshop at all. It's about creating a false impression.

Based on what?

You moved the dice! - That's it?

Well, the date has shifted, but the direction is correct... or what? )

and bring back mihon... it's boring...


majestic: кубики передвинул! - и все?

Well, the date has shifted, but the direction is correct... or what? )

It's okay. The direction's always right, even if it's not. Do you know that? The forecast must satisfy reasonable rules, which are systematically violated here.

majestic, state your grievances clearly and post them in the thread about spammers and their accomplices - or e-mail any of the moderators.

I don't want to argue with you here.