Gunn, astromechanics. Forecasts, discussion - page 45

Again, a finger in the sky. I have a suggestion to get together tonight and put together all my ideas and observations. I didn't point to the Gunn emblem for nothing. Mihop, you should be reading books, not looking at pictures for five days. No offence, but you're missing a lot, even in what you've read. What do you say, about the meeting?
Again, a finger in the sky. I have a suggestion to get together tonight and put together all my ideas and observations. I didn't point to the Gunn emblem for nothing. Mihop, you should be reading books, not looking at pictures for five days. No offence, but you're missing a lot, even in what you've read. What do you say, about the meeting?
Yeah, why don't I give you free-riders a shovel to dig for diamonds? - Gunn said if you're eager to learn, you'll figure it out for yourself.
No one is claiming your shovel. Everyone has his own shovel, spatula, scoop. Some have a small one, some have a rusty one, and some have a chrome one. Watching the thread, I noticed that there are people who really want to understand Gunn's methods, so I suggested we get together at the same time to discuss.

"These vibrating forces can only be recognised by the movements they produce on stocks and their market values" (from an interview with Ticker).

4. Financial markets essentially comprise a series of impulses, which are what produce price movements with certain norms of vibration.

"Science teaches that the initial impulse of any kind eventually resolves into a periodic or rhythmic movement" (from Ticker interview).

5. The price movement of a stock or commodity unfolds in a consistent way because stocks and commodities are essentially centres of energies, and these energies (or vibrations) are managed mathematically.


"These vibrating forces can only be recognised by the movements they produce on stocks and their values in the market" (from an interview with Ticker).

4. Financial markets essentially comprise a series of impulses, which are what produce price movements with certain norms of vibration.

"Science teaches that the initial impulse of any kind eventually resolves into a periodic or rhythmic movement" (from Ticker interview).

5. The price movement of a stock or commodity unfolds in a consistent way because stocks and commodities are essentially centres of energies, and these energies (or vibrations) are managed mathematically.

Guys - it's all understandable... Including quad 9, etc., as they say - to sort it out, let's deal with it. The question is - how can all these methods and rules be formalized into a specific algorithm for making trading decisions to write code, when so many free interpretations of this or that event, etc. are allowed ... I think it is necessary to come to a "common denominator"... and from there we'll move on... Someone here has already written about formalizing conditions into code, starting with some kind of degrees, as the most suitable option for formalization... KEEP IT UP...

P.S. In the absence of a "common denominator" and free interpretation of methods and rules, the thread would descend DEFINITELY into flooding and trolling, which would not be desirable.

IMHO, of course.


Guys - it's all understandable... Including quad 9, etc., as they say - to sort it out, let's deal with it. The question is - how can all these methods and rules be formalized into a specific algorithm for making trading decisions to write code, when so many free interpretations of this or that event, etc. are allowed ... I think it is necessary to come to a "common denominator"... and from there we'll move on... Someone here has already written about formalizing conditions into code, starting with some kind of degrees, as the most suitable option for formalization... KEEP IT UP...

P.S. In the absence of a "common denominator" and a free interpretation of the methods and rules, the thread will devolve into flubbing and trolling, which I wouldn't want.

IMHO, of course.

Yeah, grail you want - I'm out of money and you'll make a billion with my ideas ? - ah-ha - good story for the book.

Myhop, let's get to the point, for that matter. Put your grandeur and arrogance aside. Let's start talking intelligently instead of succumbing to emotion.

Yeah, grail you give me - I'm out of money and you'll make a billion with my ideas ? - ahhh - good story for the book


P.S. My previous message concerns not only you, as the "senior" of this thread, but everyone interested not in flooding and trolling, but in the REAL criteria for assessing market instrument movements based on the Gann methodology... Yes, and astromechanics, no one has discounted (judging by the thread title) - there is already a moon phase indicator...


Guys - it's all clear... including square 9 and so on, so to speak - sort it out. Someone here already wrote about formalizing conditions into code, starting with whatever degrees is the most appropriate way to formalize... KEEP IT UP...

What is clear and to whom is it clear? More than once I've written here about degrees, which is what you need to pay attention to.

Let's start with, what is the point of reference?


1. what is clear and to whom is it clear? More than once I've written here about degrees, which is what you need to pay attention to.

2. Let's start with what is the point of reference?

1. That's what I wrote - " sort out, yes to sort out".

2. ... 2. Identify the general norm of uptrend or downtrend vibration. This can be achieved by placing the starting point of Gann angles (or Gann fan lines) at the starting point (in time and price) of an uptrend or downtrend. For this task, it would be useful to prepare a transparent plastic template with the basic Gann angles (i.e. 1 x 8, 1 x 4, 1 x 2, 1 x 1, 2 x 1, 4 x 1, 8 x 1, etc.) and their subdivisions drawn on it.