What's not the Grail? - page 2


Well then, good luck to you - you have already invented the Grail, I understand the invention of the perpetual motion machine and finding the square of the circle are next

SZS: Have you ever thought, what would be if there was on white world at least one person who could take 10 pips a day of profit without losing?
I know such people...:-))) it's Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki...

Let's be specific - you claim it's all bullshit...a week ago I claimed the same thing...did some digging...found something...

You don't think it's worthy of attention...? the topic isn't worth a sucked egg...?

If there is no influx of fresh brains, I think trading as a movement will die on its own...


Tangled photons have long been considered post-factum, (over six sigma)...ultra-reliable data encryption systems have long been based on this

(more than multi-billion dollar projects... )... correlations are quite observable... why no similar mechanism here...? well, why...?

that's what I asked the programmers... a good programmer doesn't see the real basis of the signals he uses to build his algorithms...

am I wrong...?


If there is no inflow of fresh brains, I think trading as a movement will die by itself...

It will not die, especially since they promote the axiom: mathematicians and programmers are the worst traders =)

as for the sb, apart from the screenshot, will there be anything else? at least demonstration trades for demobucks ;)


But I repent - I got a little excited...a lot of ten...I'd like to get a grip...:-))

let's reduce by a factor of ten...

Well, go ahead and reduce it and post the report. It won't change the recovery factor though, it'll be around 2.

It will not die, especially since they promote the axiom: that mathematicians and programmers are the worst traders =)

As for the subject, apart from the screenshot, will there be anything else?)

the yearly runs gave two huge drawdowns... the good news is that they're all Friday runs...

i will watch... but still fun...? :-)))


I'll be watching... but it's still fun...?:-))

Put at least 100 quid in the account - it'll be even more fun, I'm serious.
Well, go ahead and shrink it and post the report. Although it won't change the restoration factor, it will be about 2.

What if FV=10? Or more...in 3 years?

I just don't want to embarrass myself by asking without a stateman.


due to the fact that I am only a dummy and the algorithms are still crude...a year's run takes 12 hours...it is easier for me to die...:-))


...a year's run takes 12 hours...I'd rather die...:-))

So what's the problem?
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