Don't tell me that TA works! - page 8

The stock market in this regard is more complicated than forex.

Once again I say don't read the information noise, there is data of specific macrostatistics indicators.

I don't read news at all for the last 8 months, the noise is all data, and it is not a fact that the new indicators issued as an impetus for price will not be long term

If you started talking about the macroeconomy and the stock market, then you need to look for strategies for the long term - at least a quarter / season, but you, like me, like all quick profit seekers trade on intraday - on noise, take my word for it, nobody needs and is not interested in a 100 pips price change within an economy or country, It is only interesting for speculators and so-called hedge-funds - they are the same speculators but not for their money, and this speculative movement produces a flood of news, new forecasts and new predictions.In fact, the parity between currencies has always been respected. The only thing that has changed in the modern monetary system is that the parity has become "crooked" and the curve is determined by the world's richest country, whose interests will determine when to buy resources for euro or dollar and when to give back public - imho.


I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories. Any kind of conspiracy theory. The forex director, the findos are running the world, etc. - it's too simple.

for, say, half a year, is the statutory advantage gained?

I do. TA works))) It's just purely logical, how does the confirmation that other methods work disprove TA's workability? Well, let's believe that your FA works, but what's the connection to the topic of this thread? So TA doesn't work? :)

it's working for me. TA works))) It's just purely logical, how does proving that other methods work disprove TA? Well, let's believe that your FA works, but what's the connection to the topic of this thread? So TA doesn't work? :)

Would you post a statement for the same period of time?

can you post the same period of time?

There's monitoring in my profile. And you'd better not publish the stats ;)

There's monitoring in the profile. And you'd better not shine your stats on ;)

I only believe in stats, I'm not afraid of the evil eye, spoilage doesn't stick to me.

I am not a fan of conspiracy theories. Any kind of conspiracy theory. The forex director, the findos are running the world, etc. - It's too simple.

why conspiracy theories? it is the harsh reality, France is attacking states it is indebted to, the Eurozone is the official storehouse of USD paper money, oil goes up in value over seasons, gold has always been a perfect representation of paper money - it really is that simple, those in charge of the world economy use it, futures and interest rate plays determine macroeconomic indicators because resources are not yet produced but are already sold for the next season and the futures are not resold for more profit

but for us it has nothing to do with profit, although if we refuse from the leverage of brokerage companies and buy and resell resources we may profit, but the question is where to get a couple million quid for the promotion? ;)

That's why I think that for speculative intraday trading or short term TA is enough, the main thing is to develop a strategy, and of course one has to track when a strategy stops working


I only believe in stats, I'm not afraid of the evil eye, and spoilage doesn't stick to me.

States can be drawn beautifully in packs))). All it takes is the will.

why a conspiracy theory? it is a harsh reality, France is attacking states to which it is indebted, the eurozone is the official sinkhole of dollar paper money, oil goes up in price for seasons, gold at all times perfectly reflects the value of paper money - it is really simple, and it is used by those who run the world economy, futures and interest rate plays determine macroeconomic indicators, because resources are not yet produced, but they have been sold for the next season and there is no guarantee that the futures are not oversold at more profit

but for us it has nothing to do with profit, although if we refuse from the leverage of brokerage companies and buy and resell resources we may profit, but the question is where to get a couple million quid for the promotion? ;)

That's why I think that for speculative intraday trading or short term TA is enough, the main thing is to develop a strategy and of course one should be able to track when a strategy stops working

if you have the gift to distinguish between disappearing and emerging technical patterns - this is the GRAIL.

but how to do this?


There's monitoring in the profile. And the stats are better left alone ;)
thanks, instructive... especially liked the review of the strategy after the apparent failure.