Interesting advisor!!!!! - page 6

Bolt, your comment is perhaps too categorical.
Do you think you should use such terminology when talking to someone who barely speaks Russian?

I assume that this comment is not only addressed to FoxUA (in fact I am not only addressing him, but in some ways also to others - including those who will read this in the future). If someone doesn't understand - let them ask a question or just pass by.

I think that oral Russian is not bad for FoxUA and he must read Russian fluently.

Let's end this quarrel, it will not lead to good. The essence of the post was the need to respect the other people. We have a very respectable forum users for whom Russian is not their native language. Despite the fact that they do not write Russian very well in general, they still try to express their thoughts in short and clear sentences. It turns out - and others understand them without internal protest. But our topic-starter managed to do it in such a way that he caused a sense of protest among several people - and not only moderators.


I recommend using Firefox with the Russian spellchecking dictionary plug-in. At least when you type, the spelling will be fine.

I feel ashamed to write without any spellchecker.


I assume that this comment is not only addressed to FoxUA (in fact I am not only addressing him, but in some ways also to others - including those who will read this in the future). If someone doesn't understand - let them ask a question or just pass by.

I think that oral Russian is not bad for FoxUA and he must read Russian fluently.

Let's end this quarrel, it will not lead to good. The essence of the post was the need to respect the other people. We have a very respectable forum users for whom Russian is not their native language. Despite the fact that they do not write Russian very well in general, they still try to express their thoughts in short and clear sentences. It turns out - and others understand them without internal protest. But our topic-starter managed to do it in such a way that he caused a sense of protest among several people - and not only moderators.

I have already twice recommended the topic starter links, namely, to the branch Lavin, and, specifically, to "extracts" of the main material of this branch, where this topic has already been discussed up and down, but he, apparently, does not feel like it... Instead of approaching the study of this issue quietly, he enters into quarrels with forum participants in relation to comments to his address by public moderators, begs the conclusion, IMHO, of course, that comrade wandered here just to fluff, no constructive, would have long ago become familiar with the materials on the links and have posted in the basic, the branch, the substance of their questions relating to the improvement of the system, etc., but so you get solid flood, and only ...

OK, FoxUA, no need to make excuses. This is a better paragraph:

There are still quite a few mistakes, but far fewer; you could even say it's not bad!

Just try to write a few sentences per paragraph. That is, at least sometimes within a paragraph put a full stop. Otherwise, you begin to read the paragraph of 5-6 lines, and there is only one sentence (here's a mystery, just like your favorite Dostoevsky). By the end of the sentence, you forget how the paragraph began.

I'll keep that in mind, now as your example minister "I'll be brief", less text, less mistakes.

I recommend using Firefox with the Russian spellchecking dictionary plug-in. At least when you type, the spelling will be fine.

I feel embarrassed to write without any spellchecking tools.

Thanks, I'll make sure I get one now.

I have already twice recommended to the topic starter references, namely, on branch Lavin, and, specifically, on "extracts" of the basic material of this branch, on which this subject has already been discussed up and down, it seems, he does not feel like it... Instead of approaching the study of this issue quietly, he enters into quarrels with forum participants in relation to comments to his address by public moderators, begs the conclusion, IMHO, of course, that comrade wandered here just to fluff, no constructive, would have long since become familiar with the materials on the links and have posted in the fact, the basic, the branch, the substance of their questions relating to the improvement of the system, etc., but so you get solid flood, and only ...

Thanks, I now read them, but excuse me there are not 2 pages, I'm not used to run in front of the train, I'll read the analysis and decide what's what, and this is not flooding but a small digression from the topic, and very useful.

Thanks, I read them now, but excuse me there are not 2 pages, I'm not used to run in front of the train, I will read about the analysis and decide what's what, and this is not flooding but a small digression from the topic.

Oh, that's another story - I'm really happy for you, go ahead. :-)))

Thanks, I'm reading them now, but excuse me, it's not two pages long, I'm not used to running in front of the train, I'll read about the analysis and decide what's what, and it's not flooding but a little digression, and very useful.

Thank you very much. I am very grateful to you.

Thank you very much. Thank you very much.

You're welcome, but I don't know what for!!!!!!