What is PRICE? - page 7


mansunny: Что же займемся фундаментом. Вопрос: "Что есть цена".

Pity I missed the beginning, but that's OK.....

To answer your question, you need to understand why you need an answer to your question - "What is the point of your question"


... The question is 'What is the price'. Or "Where do the numbers in the terminal come from"...


...So how is the price formed in forex? Colleagues, share your impressions.

I do not know what their (brokerage companies) price is, I do not know where they get it from!

What they want, what they do ))))


Too bad I missed the beginning, but that's OK.....

To answer your question, you need to understand why you need an answer to your question - "What is the point of your question"

If you really want fundamentals, you must first answer Parmenides of Aeleas' question: "What is being?" ))))

... and then get to the price.

But seriously, solving this question doesn't get you any closer to successful trading (IHMO).