What is PRICE? - page 6


Options which give rights without obligations may be strongly influenced?

Options are contracts which give the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a certain asset at a certain price at a certain time. ...

Can, or rather, are these rights used to destabilise the market?

Joseph, I have to be honest: I am at a loss when you put the question like this. In principle, probably any market can be destabilised. To avoid destabilisation, markets are regulated - you have to understand that for sure. By different methods and means.

If you take my advice, absolutely sincere and free, - what is in mt4 is not a "market", apply your energy and knowledge to American futures or stocks.

Do you want easy money? Then give up Forex and go make money as a miner - everything is clear and simple there: "take more, throw further".

Did that hit a nerve or something? (You're drooling) That's not what I asked.
If so, perhaps the analysis of dealers from this side (the intensity of flow and spread change analysis (of course multicurrency analysis)) will give more accurate signals for entry and exit (up to certain volumes - until my volume in a trade is greater than the volume of counterbalanced trades)

I.e. the difference between Asc and Bid and frequency of incoming trades allows to judge indirectly about the volume (i.e. the whole quote analysis is impossible without analysis of brokerage company´s workflow)

Did it hit a nerve or something? (You're salivating.) The question was different.

You're sputtering, and the whining about how if it wasn't for DC, if it wasn't for... - I'm sick of it, all the threads say the same thing

As for the sabbath, I recommend the topic about market manipulation, in the last pages there at least one person has explained where the legs grow from and where they are.


You're sputtering, and the whining about how if it wasn't for DC, if it wasn't for... - I'm sick of it, all the threads say the same thing

As for the subject, I recommend the thread about market manipulation, in the last pages there at least one person has managed to explain where the legs grow from and where they are

I think it is clear that DTs hide a lot of things. What I meant is that in order to do multicurrency analysis in DTs you have to ask yourself first, what are the characteristics of tick rate variability in the terminal and compare it with Ask and Bid variability characteristics, adding it all to the general multicurrency analysis.
There are different ways of doing this, but it is better to talk about the methods
With frequent ticks coming in with a small difference in points (back and forth) and an increase in splash - would this imply an increase in volumes to one side or the other ?
you have to understand that if you buy euros for dollars, someone is selling them to you, as soon as you place an order to buy many millions of euros, your order will scoop up all bids at the bottom of the stack and go up until your bid is satisfied. You will get the average price of the trade... The conclusion is that the current price is the price at which everyone who wanted to buy bought, and everyone who wanted to sell, sold, at the current moment in time.
you have to understand that if you buy euros for dollars, someone is selling them to you, as soon as you place an order to buy many millions of euros, your order will scoop up all bids at the bottom of the stack and go up until your bid is satisfied. You will get the average price of the trade... hence the conclusion: the current Price is the price at which. everyone who wanted to buy - bought, those who wanted to sell - sold, at the current moment in time.

When you need to buy 100,000 lots, it is not possible to buy them even in an hour, so the big company is forced to arrange a saw to gather the required number, for this they play against the market

When you need to buy 100000 lots, it is impossible to buy them even in an hour, so the majors have to do the sawing in order to gather the required quantity, that's why they play against the market
you can do it all at once, but the question is at what price the desired currency will be bought? and i doubt very much that the same trader will buy and then sell.... In real exchange trading there is no concept of loca