[Archive! - page 412


I will add some optimism. In our heads we all have our god, helper, predictor and genius, who prepares for our body the best possible outcome of events in a variety of directions, whatever happens, and who prepares this, in any case correct path long before we understand (or not understand) this path with our physical mind. This is our pandora's box (each one has his own and at the same time general), which is better not to open until the end, so as not to disrupt the idyllic settings (and you can not open it until the end, our physical body is a lock).

Though I want to tell him sometimes that you are a bastard who has not thought up a better plan for me (as if we know all the variety of plans and which one is better).

Swetten: People cooperate, people learn the right professions, people learn to be in demand and plough through 2-3 jobs.

You don't find that very often in the provinces. For there is no work there.

And in the end, it is much more profitable to work in Moscow and Moscow Region.

You can't argue with that, that's for sure. That's why they get so much. But there's a reason for that, because they work a lot more!
Come on. For yourself, who argues? But here is a detail: 5.000 - 10.000 rubles for food, which he will spend, there is a difference, where - in Moscow, MO or in the native settlement? Do you mean the welfare of the region?

None. The food is the same everywhere, not at all like in the Soviet Union. Of course, about salmon and trout and other delicacies it's better to go to the district centre. But it's a small part of consumption...

Svetlana, why should we change each other's minds? We speak different languages... Let's finish it, eh?

trol222: Alexey, may I use you (in a good sense) for a direct purpose? ))))) look in a branch about MACD.

I'm not interested in the subject at all, sorry. To talk about MACD derivatives one must first understand what MACD itself is.


С этим не поспоришь, это точно. Вот потому и получают так много. Но ведь есть за что, так как работают-то намного больше!


None. The food's the same everywhere, not like in the Soviet Union. Of course, for salmon and trout and other delicacies, it's better to go to the district centre. But it's a small part of consumption...

Alexei, you didn't understand what you wrote. It's not about the ratio of more to less work, and not about the quality of food.

Svetlana, why should we change each other's minds here? We speak different languages... Let's finish, eh?

I'm not trying to change anyone's mind. I don't need it.

"Our democratic scribblers and oppositionists are slinging mud in our country, working off the money paid to them by the West. These oppositionists exist on U.S. money and are obedient dogs of their overseas masters; it is no secret that all so-called "oppositionists" - the enemies of our people - are financed by the plutocratic West, living on its handouts.
Joseph Goebbels, 12 March 1933.

No, I don't. But somehow it just so happens that orange brains are the essence of sheep.

I was, repeatedly.

And what do you orangemen consider to be evidence? Or isn't what happened there enough? "By their deeds ye shall know them." The rest is evil.

A bunch of people -- to pull off a coup d'état with the active support of the US. "By their deeds ye shall know them." The rest is evil.

I know -- at least a public upheaval, at most a revolution. The current system is exactly what is needed now, not because it is better, but because the others are worse (see Ukraine, Tunisia, Libya, etc.). "By their deeds ye shall know them". The rest is from the evil one.

And, by the way, the majority did not vote for the revolution.

And how long have you been speaking for the majority? Who gave you the authority?

Maidown is a diagnosis. "By their deeds ye shall know them." The rest is evil.

A Maidaun is by definition incapable of thought.

The fantasy of the approach exists solely in your head.

I have not met any bigger sheep and assholes than the assholes who sing along with the existing authorities, even in spite of their own discontent for fear of what might happen and fear of their own freedom. Their lot is to sing the praises of the authorities with a fork in their ass or to drink soup from a trough handed to them by the authorities and be glad they didn't spill it on the ground at least.... Somehow it just so happens that you confirm some of my theses every time..... All your other passages confirm my thesis that you, unfortunately, cannot accommodate into your head anything more voluminous than conspiracy nonsense. And with such aplomb you put up labels of "cosmic scale and the same size stupidity". There is no greater fool than a militant fool who is sure of his own infallibility ))))))))))))))))..... Keep up the fun - you're fun to read..... And, in fact, I was sure that in this thread, on this subject, you will make a good point ;) .... ))))))))))))))))))

It is a fraternal shame about Ukraine. The very fact that the Maidan was held many years before our relatively modest event on 10 December speaks volumes.

It shows that Ukrainians are much sooner cured of the sovok in their heads, of the "dragon". It was enviable to watch.

And what happened next is what was supposed to happen. The fact of a fair election is just the fact of a fair election. What makes everybody think that the standard of living will increase, especially in the context of a crisis.

The consequence is disappointment. Instead of moving on, they have rolled back. But they are still far ahead of us, the Russians. In Ukraine at least a change of president is possible. Not in ours in the near future.



In Ukraine, at least, a change of president is possible.

I have a feeling this will not happen.

The woman with the scythe and Lutsenko are in jail, and there was no other opposition.

There will not be a second Maidan either.

In general, a change of power in Ukraine is not expected for the next 5 years.

I have not met any bigger sheep and assholes than the assholes who sing along with the existing authorities, even in spite of their own discontent for fear of what might happen and for fear of their own freedom. Their lot is to sing the praises of the authorities with a fork in their ass or to drink soup from a trough handed to them by the authorities and be glad they didn't spill it on the ground at least.... Somehow it just so happens that you confirm some of my theses every time..... All your other passages confirm my thesis that you, unfortunately, cannot accommodate into your head anything more voluminous than conspiracy nonsense. And with such aplomb you put up labels of "cosmic scale and the same size stupidity". There is no greater fool than a militant fool who is sure of his own infallibility ))))))))))))))))..... Keep up the fun - you're fun to read..... And, in fact, I was sure that in this thread, on this subject, you will make a good point ;) .... ))))))))))))))))))
You should firstlearn to understand what you're reading.
Mischek: It is a fraternal shame about Ukraine. The very fact that the Maidan was held many years earlier than our relatively modest event on 10 December speaks volumes.

It is a serious signal to the authorities. GDP will have to rack his brains in order to stop the collapse of the rating in the remaining three months and direct it upwards.

He is a smart man, he will think of something if he wants to be the president again. Like some sort of victorious war. Or he will make a concession to moderate nationalists. Or even (I don't believe it, really) to revise the results of the elections in Moscow. PZhiv will still remain in the majority in the Duma, but this bone tossed to Muscovites will calm most of the protesters.