[Archive! - page 152


Yes, I'm jealous too. Maybe at least some of the Slavs will go in the right direction...

And also this terrible hopelessness with the duumvirate (tandem), in which one can't and the other won't give.

Mischek: I personally look at you with envy.
Mathemat:Yes, I envy you too.

it is strange, all the news in russia is reporting that it is bad over there - Belarus, Greece, France..., while we have positive news, everywhere you look - the birth rate has risen....

I agree with my envy: I often travel around my region for work, and the ruined remains of factories, pig farms and cowsheds are all that we have achieved in the last 20 years...

:) And thank you for that. By the way, thanks for the support of those in Moscow who were picketing the embassy.

And then there's that creepy hopelessness with the duumvirate (tandem) in which one can't and the other won't.


Not him, but him and them. Recently, figures have been slipping -- the domestic debt for concessional loans under state programs is 10 billion -- a third of the budget. Foreign debt is approximately the same figure.

Belarus' national debt as of June 1, 2011 = 13 billion 286 million 280 thousand U.S. tugriks.

Belorussia's budget is 5 billion American dollars.

According to the 2009 census, the population of Belarus was 9 million 489 thousand.

yes your national debt is critical.... If I counted correctly, in dollars, you have inflation, or one American costs 5 thousand Belarusian rubles.

about the budget, there is little inflation, but if I got it right, it is about 35 trillion Belarusian rubles.

In short, the country has been living in debt all this time.


There is not much information about the budget, but if I understand correctly, it is approximately 35 trillion Belarusian rubles.

Maybe $35 billion?
How about $35 billion?

Yesterday I counted, my calculator must have broken from such a figure, now I'll try again just never dealt with figures larger than billions.

The Belarusian budget for 2010 was approved with a deficit of 2 trillion 904.5 billion BelB, or 1.5% of GDP, with revenues of 35 trillion 522.4 billion BelB and expenditures of 38 trillion 426.9 billion BelB. The budget is based on an estimated 11-13% GDP growth and 9-10% inflation.

In the first half of 2010 the national budget was executed with a deficit of Br1 trillion 720.4 billion, or 2.4% of GDP. Republican budget revenues amounted to Br13 trillion 778.8 billion, or 38.8% of the adjusted annual plan, while expenditures - Br15 trillion 499.2 billion, or 39.4% of the annual plan.

35,522,400,000,000/4861.33 = 7 billion 307,136,113 is your budget revenues in 2010. In addition, the budget deficit is 597,470,240 foreign borrowings into the national debt.

and so every year most likely, the country spends more than it can afford, hence the budget deficit, the national debt is piling up, it has already surpassed the limit of one and a half times the national budget, you will soon be in default.

Just hang in there, it will all work out. Reforms are not easy, we certainly lived through them in the 90s, we were in the same situation.


Not quite the right exchange rate for the white rouble to the dollar - 4861.33 at the time was roughly =3100.

Yeah, but it's still a long way from 35 quid