[Archive! - page 150


"So, I think that if we reached the same incredible heights that we reached in repairing, we would rise in manufacturing, the same Holland would be at our feet, asking to borrow the KTZ for a week. And we would drive away the spies from the Podol sewing machine like flies. " (с)

Now the spies will jump for sure... h ttp://www.vesti.ru/only_video.html?vid=346053

"The Yo-mobile is just a field for rappers to explore. And how simple and natural the name of the project will sound in English-speaking mouths!!! Maybe they'll even try to get at the meaning of "Yo-ma-yo-yo-...."...



Although, it's a bit like the pranksters from some radio call random people and start talking nonsense.


Who brews beer at home?

Please share some simple recipes.


Although, it's a bit like the pranksters from some radio station calling random people and starting talking nonsense.

Scarily reminiscent of the content of some threads: tank bills, squares 9, K evergreen, etc. An epidemic, I guess...

Who brews beer at home?

Please share some simple recipes.

At most, I take a can to the brewery's gate. And that's a bummer.


An epidemic, I guess...

Exactly, it's an epidemic.

It' s Independence Day in Belarus and they let the gas in the station square to spread the joy.

And in Tver it's the city day, I won't post it here, look here .

And I have ripe strawberries.)

- What the hell is that?
- Arrested.
- Why a band?
- Your Highness, first there were celebrations. Then the arrests. Then we decided to combine the two.
- But where are our guards? Where are the Guards?
- Apparently, flanking us.
- Who?
- All of them!

I've got strawberries ripe.)


Mine are long gone. Soon the raspberries will be gone too.