[Archive! - page 149

there's a shortage of brides here, you have to get them when you're young.)
Wait for me, Sanek, I will come to you for timber, customs borders were opened on July 1, all internal customs departed from the borders between Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. Now you can drive anything you want here and there and there will be no harm done))).

There is a wonderful statement at the end of the text which is of direct relevance to the members of our forum:

Therefore, with grief resort to methods of curves. In simple it is called "through ass", and in science it is "optimization of many parameters". ;)

Of course, I didn't miss it. After reading it to this point, I was finally convinced that the article deserved a link on the forum. ;)

The New York prosecutor's office has decided to release former International Monetary Fund (IMF) chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn from house arrest under his own guarantees, Bloomberg reported, citing informed sources.



The New York prosecutor's office has decided to release former International Monetary Fund (IMF) chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn from house arrest under his own guarantees, Bloomberg reported, citing informed sources.


Well the show is well done, Solar was elected as head of IMF not long ago, now swan can probably be acquitted in a couple of months, if he wins the trial he becomes head of France, I wonder how long sarkozy will have to cajole the states, probably until the election is over, they will rather drag out the acquittal...

It's all played out like clockwork and they don't care if it's clear to everyone.


I've been surfing the links to the thread, and amidst all the rubbish I've found some interesting stuff: THE TRINKETS AND TRINKETS OF WORLD GRAVITY.

Anyone who's still interested, I recommend you check it out.

This is not the first time I've seen the opinion that matter is not a source of gravity, but simply attaches itself to it.

Thanks for the link.

-Stones can't fall from the sky, they can't get there! (Paris Academy of Sciences on Meteorites, 1772)

-In the future, computers will weigh no more than 1.5 tons. (Popular Mechanics Magazine, 1949)

-I think we will find demand in the world market for five computers. (Thomas Watson Director of IBM, 1943)

have travelled this country, spoken to the smartest people and I
can assure you that data processing is only a fad,
the fashion for which will not last more than a year. (Editor of
Prentice Hall, 1957)

-But what... could be useful in this
thing? (question at a discussion of the development of the microchip in the Advanced Computing
Systems Division of IBM, 1968)

-No one can have a
need to have a computer in their home. (Ken Olson - Founder and
President, Digital Equipment Corp. 1977)

-A device like the
telephone has too many drawbacks to
consider it as a means of communication. Therefore, I believe that this
invention has no value. (from discussions at Western
Union in 1876)

-This music box without wires cannot
have any commercial value. Who would pay for messages not
intended for some private person? (David
Sarnow's business partners in response to his offer to invest in a radio project,

-The concept is interesting and well designed. But,
for an idea to work, it has to contain common sense.
(Yale University professors in response to Fred Smith's proposal to
set up a fast delivery service; Fred Smith would become founder of
delivery service Federal Express Corp.)

-Yeah, who the hell cares about actors talking? (Warner Brothers response to the use of sound in film, 1927)

don't like their sound and, in general, guitar quartets are yesterday's day.
(Decca Recording Co. who rejected the recording of The Beatles' album, in

-Heavier-than-air vehicles are impossible! (Lord Kelvin - physicist, President of the Royal Society of Science - in 1895)

Goddard does not understand the relationship between action and reaction, he does not
know that reaction requires conditions more suitable than vacuum.
The professor seems to be severely lacking in elementary knowledge,
which is taught as early as secondary school. (New
York Times editorial on Robert Goddard's revolutionary work on
creating a rocket, 1921)

-Drilling the earth for oil? Do you
mean you have to drill into the ground to find oil? You
are out of your mind. (Response to Edwin Drake's 1859 project)

-Sumplanes are
interesting toys, but of no military value.
(Marechal Foch, Professor, Ecole Superieure de Guerre.)

-Everything that could be invented has already been invented. (Charles Dewell - Special Commissioner of the American Patent Office, 1899)

- Louis Pasteur's theory of germs is a ridiculous fantasy. (Pierre Pachet - Professor of Psychology, University of Toulouse, 1872)

-The stomach,
breasts and brain will always be closed to intrusion by the wise and humane
surgeon. (Sir John Eric Eriksen - British doctor appointed chief
surgeon to Queen Victoria, 1873)

-640 kilobytes of memory should be enough for everyone. (Bill Gates, 1981)

-100 million dollars is too high a price for Microsoft. (IBM, 1982)

Hi all.

Need help !!!

Who has WinXP ???

I need msconfig.exe

Please post it here.

Thanks !!!

Thanks for finding it already !!!