EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 907


I have a suggestion for you. You open a branch "Checking signals from Fartowiy", in which you write the table in the subject

Entry direction, currency
Opening time (specify broker)
Open price
Take profit price
Stop price
Close price
Closing time
Result in pips
Reason for closing (stop/arms/signal)

This is the table you will fill in and put your signals in. First your prediction and entry respectively, then the close.


I think we will see the resemblance of head and shoulders on the daily chart...hz - let's see...

It is too early to speak about that pattern, there is no hint about the shoulders, but the level of three-year trendline (green, previous page, screenshot) is a support, which will probably be reached by the price, it is about 1.4180. I think, the range today is 1.433 - 1.435. If we may go up to 1.445 - 1.452, if not, the price will break away from the range downward, the target is 1.42 - 1.418. In general, I don't know. ....

P.S. decided to add another hourly timeframe


I have a suggestion for you. You open a branch "Testing signals from Fartowiy", in which you write a table in the subject

Entry direction, currency
Opening time (specify broker)
Opening price
Take profit price
Stop loss price
Close price
Closing time
Result in pips
Reason for closing (stop/handle/signal)

You fill in this table and put your signals in it. First your prediction and entry respectively, then close.


I have a suggestion for you. You open a branch "Testing signals from Fartowiy", in which you write a table in the subject

You fill in this table and put your signals in it. First your prediction and entry respectively, then close.

I'm also for it. Fartiy, all questions to you will be removed, and here, as everyone else, you'll think about where, when and why )))).


It's a bit early to talk about this figure... In general - dunno. ....

the drop was sharp (need to recover)...the speed over the last 2 days is falling (forming a support base) etc...

on n1 we might see a scenario like this...which will correspond to the head-shoulders on d1...

such thoughts ...we'll see...


Friends, pay attention to the EURA/FRANK pair, look at the triple divergence forming in the weeks MASD

And it's approaching the support level, it's going to ring today.

If this pair bounces, there might be an unproblematic upside move. I will enter it from 1.2527 and from 1.2458.)

Well, the aims, as you understand, I drew very rough, here:


Friends, pay attention to the EURA/FRANK pair, look, a triple divergence is forming on the weeks MASD

Thanks, but unfortunately I did not have time to enter (I do not follow this pair), now if I enter, then after a pullback or correction


Yeah, well... that's no good...

I just put up a post, I turn my back for a minute...

and then...

Shot off like a motherfucker.

It's a shame I didn't go in (((


shot like a motherfucker.

Yeah, he shot like a motherfucker...

Audfrank Sell.
