Market manipulation - page 10


And where were you before with your knowledge and why there was no response on the topic of the branch? And what makes you so angry that the waves of arrogance are spilling over the edge? I do not really care about your knowledge and wasted years on the matte and other bullshit, and guarantee that you yourself if you trade around zero and there is no stability, and can not give a hand on the betting that everything will be okay. So let's continue broadcasting knowledge in the form of moral teachings of the Pope.....

For the eyes damaged by cataracts and mind fucked with kitchens - I wrote about the price and how much money it takes to change the price (this was an answer to the request, not an illusion on the subject of I move the market I can), for 7 pages you have not written it anyone, because the stupid did not know or shut up - AND THIS IS FACT. I have no comments here because I have no knowledge on the subject. I don't know why they don't teach this in the cooking courses and other seminars on Volstreet, because broker on the exchange is an intermediary to bring you to the exchange, and the broker (I call it a broker) is the final market maker for you, you comfort yourself with the illusion that your micro lots are put in the system and the broker puts the spread on demand / offer? And why if it's technically meaningless and unsafe for the kitchen? Well you should have stuck to words rather than facts and sprawled it out with a couple of pages of verbal metastases. Further on the mechanism of manipulation also no comments, about the volumes did not follow - speaks eloquently for you this fact.....

(My aim was just to share a bit of truth, which pissed off some Representatives, supposedly traders, I just had a registration here and saw a simple thing that did not know the answer, it was not difficult for me to do it, because I also used to be a sheep under the care of DC, I kind of feel sorry for myself in YOU)) But instead of getting the point, there was stupid flubbing, as IgorM pointed out..... They say about beads and pigs not in vain, as long as you do not pay for it with your time and money, it will not be of any value to you.

And very kindly leave the Poison of knowledge in the cavity of the musky glands of your bodies, ON THE THEME WALL I have nothing more to answer, so further comments would be a great gift that you do not deserve. But naturally for your Ego, jump a few clever words and references, get a word or two out of context and use them as fuel for your mental chains.

Thanks for your consideration!

So you have been answered above the thread. I laughed about "pissed off" - what makes you think it pisses me off? In general, I would not answer, but many branches of read and newcomers - I would not want to immediately twist brains....

Regarding everything else about micro-lots, illusions and truth - thanks for your concern, but I still think that in order to teach others, one must have at least a little understanding of the subject.

And don't you cough up .....


1. at their own expense: they earn by pouring in an aggregate position - as they did not admit.... At one time I dealt for a long time with managers Gain and Saxo - patient guys turned out to be, the latter just told me that I started with MT (then MT3) for nothing - and the market does not work that way.... They also advised literature..... Don't take it as an advertisement - there are a lot of normal dealing now.

2. I'm sorry if I offended you, I didn't mean to ....

Good luck.

It's just a bit more complicated than at first glance. You yourself have written that they provide liquidity, but it is not unlimited. How they provide it - more or less is their business and nowhere is it regulated. Just as there are no regulations on how they manage their aggregate position. If everything is quite transparent and regulated for the stock market, it is not so for Forex (or more precisely for its image platforms). Banks have more degrees of freedom when acting as market makers, though they are intermediaries, but the schemes are completely different than a simple transfer of client orders by a broker.

this is your fantasy. For example, I gave you a link to the duties of the MM at the MICEX and there is a very specific list of duties and the control algorithm. There are fines or forfeiture of the MM position for non-compliance. Where did you read about the duties of the MM on the FX market?

I gave you a link to a popular statement, here's a paragraph from it:

Forex market makers ensure that the market is always functional and that the currencies in it will 
always fetch the market rate. Forex market makers do so by updating their prices at intervals of 
at least 30 seconds and undertaking to trade if this is requested. 
Forex market makers must fulfill their obligations irrespective of whether the economic situation is
favorable or unfavorable, or whether they lose or profit by doing so.

What's not clear there?

By the way, in a neighbouring thread we were discussing the missing quotes for several minutes at a time. Hence, from the duties of MM, it follows that there cannot be a break in quotes for more than 30 seconds in FOREX, or rather should not....


I gave you a link to a popular exposition, here's a paragraph from it:

what's unclear there?

It's all there, it's clear that it's "nothing")) What does this writing imply? That mm has to provide "market prices". And what is that? When the market changes by a figure in minutes and spreads are dozens of times larger than usual, where is the market price and how is it provided? What volume of liquidity should be provided? Where are the formal conditions? What will happen if MM, for example Deutche Bank, fails to meet these unformulated conditions, who will check it and how will punish it? :)

I.e. theoretically correct, but an absolutely meaningless fragment. For example I can invent an ideal MM, which should provide infinite liquidity at any price with zero spread (but then how prices change :)). That's great, but totally useless.


Yes everything there is clear it's "not about anything"))) What does this writing imply? That mm should ensure "market prices". And what is that? When the market changes by a figure in minutes and spreads are tens of times larger than normal, where is the market price and how is it enforced? Where are the formal conditions? What happens if MM, for example Deutche Bank, fails to meet these unformulated conditions, who will check it and how will punish it? :)

I.e. theoretically true, but a completely irrelevant fragment. I could, for example, invent a perfect MM which should provide infinite liquidity at any price with zero spread. That's great, but completely useless.

When the market changes a figure or two in a minute, then the presence of MM is not necessary: it means that there is liquidity and there is enough of it. So, they are not necessary as MM, but they can work as dealing tools. That is why Gain has its dealing: Appeared with both FXCM and Deutsche ..... The presence of MM is needed where there is a possibility of "collision" - i.e. a market stoppage, when there is a lack of liquidity... And in this case prices do not change by a figure in a minute .....

Regarding MM regulators - not ready to answer yet.


When the market changes by a figure or two in a minute, the presence of MM is not necessary: it means there is liquidity and there is enough of it. That is, they are not needed as MMs, but they can work as dillings. That is why Gain has its dealing: Appeared with both FXCM and Deutsche ..... The presence of MM is necessary when there is a possibility of "collision" - i.e. a market stoppage, when there is a lack of liquidity... And in this case prices don't change by a figure in a minute .....

Regarding MM regulators - not ready to answer yet.

why do you think the price changes at all? :) This is a rhetorical question, but it changes because of the lack of liquidity at certain prices. Market orders consume liquidity, even in the exchange market, even in the over-the-counter market. This is why when the price changes considerably within a short period of time, there is a lack of liquidity at these prices. Look at those illiquid securities - they are called so because liquidity on them is scarce and any more or less significant order on the market may change the price many times. In your opinion, this will mean that there is enough liquidity and there is no need in MM?

Yeah... You could scratch your chest with a stick of aspen.

Rogazzi! What are you in this world, huh? What do you, crossed out, think of yourself?

You seem inadequate. Inadequate to reality.


However, long time ago I noticed: on this forum of normal - a couple of times and bummed to calculate...

Why do I need 21 fingers? )))


Why do you think the price changes in the first place? :) This is a rhetorical question, but it changes because of the lack of liquidity at certain prices. Market orders consume liquidity, even in the exchange market, even in the OTC market. This is why when the price changes considerably within a short period of time, there is a lack of liquidity for these prices. Look at those illiquid securities - they are called so because liquidity on them is scarce and any more or less significant order on the market may change the price many times. Do you think it means that there is enough liquidity and MM is not needed?
Regarding price changes - absolutely right. But if the price stops changing for a while due to lack of liquidity, then MM will enter the arena. And as long as market participants adjust their demands and trades are made, then liquidity supply from MM is unnecessary.....

You are interested in market-making techniques - OK, I can enlighten you. But this is what you want? What for? // I've just worked in manipulative structures.

Your job is to make money. You're not. Shake off your pride and start earning.

Regarding price changes - absolutely right. But if the price stops changing for a while due to lack of liquidity, then MM will enter the arena. And as long as market participants adjust their requests and trades are made, then liquidity supply from MM is not needed.....

well, the price cannot stop changing due to lack of liquidity, on the contrary, due to lack of activity (market orders and stops as well) and/or excess liquidity. The example was about an ideal MM providing unlimited liquidity with no or minimal spread. So where would the price go in this case?