[WARNING CLOSED] UmnickTrader Adaptive EA - page 25


Нет никакой "формулы рынка" - есть предопределённая "собственная функция".

Victor, you yourself wrote that the essence of OTT is to synchronise the "own function" with the "market function".

What is market function?

And, by the way, in what variable or function is your "eigenfunction" written?


Victor, you yourself wrote that the essence of OTT is to synchronise "own function" with "market function". Are you giving up your OTT?

What is a market function?

I think what Victor is trying to say is that by "intrinsic function of the market" he means

"a sequence of trades" that rolls over once that sequence is fulfilled

He gave two examples

1. Simple alternation. e.g. Buy - flip Sell - flip Buy - etc.

2. Alternation with counter (e.g. =3) Bye-Bye-Bye - flip Sel-Sel - flip Bye-Bye-Bye

We can come up with any sequence (length and direction of orders in a sequence) and adjust it to the market.

The "synchronization" of the invented function and the initial market takes place.


OK, sergeev. What you clarified seems to be just an intrinsic function (not the market). I.e. it's something like the -1 (sell) and +1 (buy) sequence that Victor trades on.

Ok, next questions for Victor:

И, кстати, в какой переменной или функции твоя "собственная функция" записана?

Where in the code is the criterion for the eigenfunction to match the market calculated?


Where in the code is the criterion for matching the own function to the market calculated?

I will make an assumption before the official answer.

This sequence and its length (the number and type of orders) are selected in the optimizer. In short, it is a market fit.

And the "ideal" criterion is set by the maximum balance (or whatever Viktor wants).


I suggested you study it carefully - you refused.

Your current conclusions are therefore wrong.

Would it be possible to present a "log of current configuration changes" for all to see

with comments on the progress of the changes?


Эта последовательность и её длина (число ордеров, их тип) подбирается в оптимизаторе. Короче подгонка к рынку.

Ahh... where is the proverbial adaptability then?


Ahh... where is the proverbial adaptability then?

yeah. i must have made a mistake. :)

sergeev: Эта последовательность и её длина (число ордеров, их тип) подбирается в оптимизаторе. Короче подгонка к рынку.

LeoV : By the way, by the way, in my experience, the maximum profit option that you choose is almost definitely a market fit. That's what explains the pummeling and the profit in the pictures from the tester. )))

Victor, you yourself wrote that the essence of OTT is to synchronise "own function" with "market function".

What is a market function?

And, by the way, in what variable or function is your "eigenfunction" written?

Do the questions go on? I thought everyone had had enough of the "circus" :)

Bottom line:

1. For advertising, I have enough PAMM branch - there attendance is much more and you can write everything you want, without restrictions. Do not suffer from delusions of grandeur - this resource is not suitable for advertising.

2. Here I am mainly out of boredom and a sporting interest.

3. want to understand - you'll have to strain your brain, rather than refer to the "universal literacy.

I'll continue this later in the evening.


Are the questions still on? I thought everyone had had enough of the 'circus' :)


1. For advertising, I have enough PAMM branch - there attendance is much more and you can write everything you want, without restrictions. Do not suffer from delusions of grandeur - this resource is not suitable for advertising.

2. Here I am mainly out of boredom and a sporting interest.

3. want to understand - you'll have to strain your brain, rather than refer to the "universal literacy.

We'll continue this later in the evening.

I think the fellow inventor is just being rude.