Creating a trading robot - page 7

I got the same impression from what the author of the thread posted on the maths forum of the Faculty of Mechanics. There is no VBA there.
I got the same impression from what the author of the thread posted on the maths forum of the Faculty of Mechanics. There is no VBA there.
It's not fatal in principle.

From here, I think it's best to continue the conversation here. Who will set up a working group to create a robot trader, involving programmers, developers, traders, sponsors and possibly me?

I wonder if Professors N.I. Helperin and V.G. Einstein teach this subject at the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology. Г.? Is it possible to write a heap of words, lines of text saying nothing, and not knowing programming language? Do they really only teach you to type in numbers in Excel?

What is your program written in Exel (as you called it)?

There are two ways of coding (1) Visual Basic for Application (VBA) and (2) the built-in functions of Excel itself.

In any case, I'd like to have a working sample of the program, so that it's easier to reproduce the calculation algorithm.

If it's written in VBA, it will work fast, if it's written with built-in functions, it will take a little longer, because you will have to deal with their coding.

On embedded formulas and no limitations or inconveniences noticed

On embedded formulas and no limitations or inconveniences noticed

OK. Will have to work with what we have.

Looking forward to your suggestions in a personal email. Haven't received a reply to my email yet.

As soon as you get acquainted with the article, which is prepared on mql5, we will continue the discussion.

I read the article. From the article you can see that you have built regression according to the rule:

It turns out that the values of the market price P(t) calculated in this way and its actual values Pf, carried out on the example of the Forex market, always completely and unambiguously satisfy the material balance condition:

∑ P(t) = ∑ Pf.

This is interesting for mathematicians as an exercise. But you do not justify in any way and do not support in any way the predictive power of your formula, except for a single not very intelligible graph in the form of nothing better than a parabolic regression in terms of prediction. Your regression does not predict price, which was not hard to foresee. Your approach to the nature of price is mechanistic. You have given no justification for the fact that price and time evolve under the same laws. As such, it is more likely that Lindblad's equations can predict lottery numbers than your regression of price. As a trader you have offered nothing. I anticipate that you will refuse to show real-time price predictions to confirm the value of your article for traders and the point of creating a trading robot.


I anticipate that you will refuse and not show real time price forecasts to confirm the value of your article to traders and the point of creating a trading robot.

You guessed it wrong! :))) There was an attempt yesterday in a parallel thread. It stretched for ~20 pages :D
Mathematicians are the most religious people on earth )))

The article, by the way, is like a regular "publication".

Quite correct - there are 80% of them everywhere - everywhere you look...

I haven't checked UDC though - maybe it's a brad?


As for the model - why not.

It's all at a glance - I didn't have time to read it.

I skimmed over it. If there are mistakes, they are superficially hidden.

Credit to Hodja Yusuf!

No code? Vinin promised to make a turkey.

We'll have a look at it at our leisure...



The UDC really hasn't checked - could it be a brad?

Do you still remember what UDC is?